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Everyone in the office gathering together like this was a rare occasion. Usually during their weekly meetings, only two or three of them would get tipsy whilst the rest would be either too tired from a long day of work or stay sober in the fear of awakening with a pounding hangover the next day. However it was different this time. With all work done for the year and the rest of the week off, everyone arrived with high spirits and loud cheers of joy; and even letting loose even if it did get a bit too crazy.

Upon entry, Johnny was currently singing or what could be classed as singing. His eyes were teary and his left hand gripping Chenle's shoulder, knuckles gradually turning white from how hard he was squeezing. Instead of singing the younger boy was bent over with his hands on his knees, laughing so loudly that Yuta could hear it over Johnny's singing and even the music. Renjun joined the pair, singing just as obnoxiously whilst hitting Chenle's back with every high note he hit.

Mark and Taeil were sat on opposing sides of Hyuck, who practically had his eyes closed and his head rested on his hand whilst the two boys argued with each other. Yuta was quite surprised that Hyuck hasn't turned around to the pair and told them to shut up; he felt for the young boy. He looked miserable and on the verge of leaving, even though he had only downed four bottles of soju.

Jaehyun was sat next to him, head laid on Yuta's shoulder as he stared down at his phone with a small frown. This then caused Yuta to also frown, he didn't like seeing his best friend sad. He looked up and scanned the room, locating both Doyoung and Taeyong which explained why Jaehyun was so gloomy. Doyoung was currently talking with Taeyong, whose eyes were sparkling as he shifted his weight onto one side; one hand resting on his hip and the other holding a wine glass that was half empty.

Yuta wasn't jealous, at all. That was stupid. He didn't even really like Taeyong one bit. Besides he was his boss after all. It would be wrong of Yuta to like him. On the other hand, no matter how many times Yuta repeated those words in his head, he knew he was lying to himself. It had to be Taeyong of all people who had caught his eye from the moment they met. Yuta wasn't the type to jump to conclusions, but he already knew that there was no way that Taeyong would consider Yuta more than just a friend, never mind boyfriend. Yuta was simply just another employee to him and that was it.

Whilst deep in thoughts, Jaehyun had gotten up and left seeing that Doyoung was still speaking to Taeyong simply because he couldn't bare the sight of his boyfriend talking to another man. Jaehyun knew he was his boss after all, but jealousy was a tendency that always seemed to happen once he had a few drinks.

Now Yuta was seated by himself, his brows furrowed in frustration and lips pouted out due to the fact that Jaehyun abandoned him. He watched as a pair of legs passed his vision and stood inbetween him and the coffee table which caused Yuta to lower his gaze even more if it was who he thought it was. The legs then proceeded to bend and a familiar hand brushed under his chin, gently lifting it up to reveal Taeyong's smiling face. His glossy eyes were wide and full of sparkles as a smile spread across his rosy cheeks.

"Hello, Yuta." Those words were like music to his ears, his voice was sweet even if it was slurred slightly. Yuta didn't want to make any eye contact because he knew how red his now pink cheeks would get. He just prayed that Taeyong understood that the tint was from the alcohol, even though he only had a bottle and a half of soju. "Is something wrong? You don't look like yourself." Taeyong's gaze soon turned into one of concern whilst tilting his head to the side, his lips meeting the brim of the wine glass as he took another sip. "Are you not having fun?"

Yuta simply shook his head and licked his lips. "No, I'm enjoying it." He reassured with a laugh, his fingers running through his hair a few times. "I'm just really exhausted."

He wasn't lying, it was true. Yuta really was exhausted. He had stayed back an extra hour to finish any documents that weren't correct before receiving a whiny phone call from Jaehyun who was already waiting in Yuta's apartment with the hair dye. He still hadn't caught up on sleep from working way past overtime during the last few weeks of sleeping at the office.

"If that's the case, don't feel like you have to stay until the end if you want to go home and rest." The hand that was placed under his chin was now placed on his thigh, squeezing ever so gently. Yuta internally panicked, his eyes widening a bit and lips parting, as his knees immediately knocked together. "You've been working extremely hard lately, you deserve rest."

He is simply overreacting, and he knows it too. Yuta felt as though his heart was about to burst out of his chest at any second from how fast it was beating. He could still hear everyone loudly slurring the words to songs whilst others were just being loud. He could see the way the lights changed, bringing his focus back to Taeyong's face and his features. There could be a storm happening around them but Yuta would only focus on Taeyong.

"Your hair looks really good by the way."

Along with the compliment came another squeeze to the thigh. He's drunk, very drunk, Yuta thought to himself. This thought continued to play in his head like a broken record as Taeyong's hand moved up towards his hips. However an extremely hyper and Johnny had other plans as he grabbed hold of Taeyong's hand and dragged him over to the tv whilst placing a microphone in his hand.

Yuta was left alone once again, his cheeks bright red and his thigh still tingling from the feeling of Taeyong's hand against it.

He's just drunk. Very drunk. That's all there was to it. I hope.

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