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"I like you."

Those three words were enough to make Yuta almost spit his water out, and begins to choke. He waves his hands at his face, already knowing he's embarrassing Taeyong. They're in the middle of a restaurant, one that he's had to put a tie on for. It was Taeyong's idea to take him out, of course. He had texted him earlier that day, asking if he wanted to go out and celebrate the new year. As much as Yuta wished he could just go back to his boss's apartment and mess around, he was glad they were seated at dinner instead. His ass still hadn't recovered from yesterday and to be honest, he needed to fucking calm down. He wasn't some crazed sex addict, even though he was really acting like it.

"I would hope so." Yuta retorted, rolling his eyes playfully.

The silver haired boy stares at him, his left hand holding his chin and elbow resting on the table. "I mean like actually like you." Taeyong drops his hand, fingers wrapping around his glass, head tilting back slightly as he gulps down half of the glass. Tongue licking at his lips before he tilts his head back, lips parting to speak. "I'm not sleeping with you for nothing."

"I would hope not." Yuta mumbles quietly, barely even saying it at all, realizing he's practically repeating himself. Though, he would be completely fine with it if Taeyong was just using him as a toy. He was about ninety percent positive that's what it was at first. Just using Yuta to release some stress; Yuta was willing and he's be lying if he said Taeyong wasn't an outlet for him too. An outlet just with feelings attached.

"Can we continue this during the new year?" Yuta nods, watching the way Taeyong smiles and his eyes shining in delight. "Not just sleeping together."

Thank god Yuta didn't have water in his mouth again or else he's surely have a repeat of earlier. He clears his throat, feeling his cheeks heat up. Shoving his hands between his knees, he begins to chew on his bottom lip as his wide eyes stare down at the menu he's just now looking at.

"I'm serious. I really like you, Yuta." Taeyong's hand stretches across the table to rest on top of Yuta's head, ruffling his hair softly.

Over the last few days, they've done more than just sex; surprisingly. They've actually gotten to know each other, more than just as boss and employee. Yuta's learned about how he doesn't like messiness and mosquitoes; and that he has a low alcohol tolerance which Yuta found adorable. Yuta even admitted to his vast Rilakkuma collection that puts him to shame, but Taeyong promised to buy him more to help him catch up on his collection. They even played Pokemon together, Yuta's head resting on Taeyong's shoulder as he watched him run around for two hours attempting to catch a shiny Drifloon.

It was a beautiful feeling. Taeyong was indeed a kid at heart and it matched perfectly with Yuta's personality. Both of them found themselves laughing uncontrollably for a while after watching some stupid YouTube video that made no sense at all. It was times like that when Yuta forgot Taeyong was a twenty eight year old CEO and his boss. However it was times like that where Yuta felt his heart fluttering madly and his mind melting at the way Taeyong made him feel.

"Wait, are you asking me to be your boyfriend?" Yuta deadpanned.

It's not the first time that Taeyong's blushed. The more time he spends with Yuta, the more his face heats up and his once strong demeanour crumbles upon seeing Yuta. He blushed the one time that Yuta caught him singing along to a music show when he walked into the living room, fresh out of the shower. Or even that one time that Yuta was waking up from a post sex nap only to be met with Taeyong's face. He was staring at him intently, eyebrows furrowed and his lips pressed together. When Taeyong realized that Yuta was staring right back at him with a brow raised and a slight smirk, his whole face became a bright red.

"Yeah, I am." Taeyong says flatly, attempting to make it seem like his whole face wasn't as pink as his lips. Yuta simply crossed his arms as he leaned back ever so slightly in his chair, amused at the sight of his boss. Cheeks flushed and expression flustered, his eyes looking down at his hands that are now settled in his lap. This was a rare sight that the others in the office never got to see, and it made Yuta feel like he was in charge for once. Seeing the powerful Taeyong at the office compared to just the two alone made him realize the impact he had on him; and he was enjoying every second of it.

Yuta unfolded his arms and leaned over the table, his right hand stretching out to gently lift up Taeyong's chin. He felt his heart melt once again at the sight of his now pink dusted cheeks and wide flustered eyes. The Japanese boy wasted no time in connecting his lips with the elder's; pulling away after a short time, squishing his cheeks before returning to his previous position.

"Does that answer your question?" Yuta asks whilst Taeyong simply nodded, eyes blinking rapidly at what just happened, and his once put together thoughts now a scrambled mess. Once he processed that event, Taeyong's face lit up with happiness which seemed to have a knock on effect with the younger boy.

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