CHAPTER 15 Unforgotten

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"Someday it'll be forgotten from your mind but unknowingly it will linger in your heart, deep as a scar and you'll always feel it inside—even if you can't remember why it's there..."
         —Alexis Peters


If there was one thing Aric hated more than that infuriating Tedros it was the new guy in school; Filip of Mount Honora. He'd arrived just a day ago, two days before the trial was supposed to take place between the boys and girls, insisting he'd come to the Boys' School for a chance at the treasure.

Since the trial was now only in two days, the boys had been training more harder than ever with the top ranked students being categorized in pairs that'd meet up in the woods the day of the trial but at separate times. Aric was, of course, one of the top ranked boys in the school with his henchmen falling right behind him.

But Filip, however, was ranked just above Tedros who'd luckily been deemed the runt after the boys' faculty had given him a murky cell as a room. Aric had taken great delight when the sleeping teachers had awoken and learned of Tedros' faulty leadership. Now, the prince was getting exactly what he deserved; a punishment of a friendless low ranked position. Now, instead of Tedros being in charge of the school, it was Aric who was practically the king of the castle.

Along with the boys' feverish preparations for the upcoming trial, the top ranked boys in each class would be forced to do Storian duty every night to look for the pen which was missing somewhere in the School Master's tower. Aric was, luckily, too busy administering punishment to fellow students to care about some stupid pen that dictated the fate of good and evil.

That particular morning, Aric awoke to someone shaking him awake. He pried open his violet eyes and blinked sleep from his eyes to see Krushem looming over him.

"Sorry to wake you, sir," Krushem apologized quickly, gaze downcast. "The boys have gathered for swordplay in Professor Espada's room. You missed breakfast, and we didn't want to disturb your sleep—"

Aric tore the covers off himself and threw his hands over his head to stretch. Krushem trailed off as Aric lurched out of the comfort of his bed and snatched his uniform off the floor. "You're dismissed, Krushem," Aric told him. "I'll be out in a sec."

Krushem nodded assertively and walked out, leaving Aric to get dressed hurriedly. Although Aric wasn't a student and there were many boys in the school who weren't exactly students to begin with, all the boys were required to participate in training or they'd be kicked out.

That was the only requirement for the many boys who'd arrived to the old School for evil, each hoping to win the trial by cutting off Agatha and Sophie's heads. The only thing the princes and villains cared for was either priceless riches or the return of good and evil to how it was.

Aric would much rather have things stay how they were. The bright side to the school for boys was just girls. When girls were around, boys acted like foggy eyed fools and head over heels in love. It was uncanny and irritating. Aric was content for now with the boys cowering at the sight of him and shrinking away when he got too close. It was their fear that made Aric pleased, it was their pain that made him forgot about his own and cause him to slip back into a darkened place of hatred where no scaled blue eyed boy could disturb his thoughts.

Because forgetting Japeth was far better than remembering him and yearning for him to come back. It was only a few days ago or so that Aric had sent Japeth a letter to Arbed telling him goodbye and that he was letting him go. It was probably the fifth or sixth letter Aric had sent so far, and he intended it to be the last one, although he'd received no response from Japeth yet. The fact that Aric hadn't heard from his departed friend made him melancholy, but than he turned his thoughts to Dean Burnhilde and he'd understood. It was that infuriating gooey witch dean who was most likely keeping Aric's letters from Japeth, and that was the only reason Japeth hadn't written back.

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