Mahal Kita

882 9 35

I really like boyf riends ok?
So heres another nice chapter :^)
TW: hint of suicide

A small boy was looking out the window, he was waiting for someone.
He waited, Until a car pulled over across the street.
The little boy's eyes lit up and he immediately opened the door.
Another boy and his mother got out of the car.
"Mikey!!" The brown haired boy said while running toward his friend.

"Hi Jewemy!!" The Filipino boy hugged his friend.

"Cmon! Lets go play! My dad got us pizza!" The boy said while pulling the Filipino's hand.

"Michael, I think youre forgetting something!" The woman spoke.

"Oh Right!!" The Filipino ran back to his mother and kissed her on the cheek.

"Mahal kita, Michael"

"Mahal din kita, Mama!" The woman went inside the car and the boy ran back to his friend.

"Michael?" Jeremy spoke.

"Yeah?" Michael responded.

"What does Mahal kita mean?"

"It means i love you in tagalog..I think."

"Oh ok."



"Mahal kita!"

The two boys proceeded to walk inside.
Two boys were sitting on beanbags.
Jeremy was playing with a gameboy.
He was struggling to beat this level of super mario.
Michael being the awesome friend he is. He leaned in near his friend's ear
"Jewemy, Mahal kita~" he purred in the male's ear.
That took Jeremy off guard.
He lost the level.
That was his last life.
"FUCK YOU MICHAEL!" The male yelled.
The Filipino laughed.
"Im sorry.." he said between laughs.

"Thats was so gay, Michael."

Michael was sitting on a bed with Jeremy.
He was trying to comfort his friend.
He was sobbing hardly.
His mom left him and his dad.
"Shhh..its ok Jeremy..."
After a while, The boy's sobbing stopped and he fell asleep.
The Filipino sighed and lay beside his friend. He mumbled something softly.
"Mahal kita.."

Michael was sitting in a bathtub.
He was at Jake Dillinger's Halloween party.
His best friend, Jeremy called him a loser and he just left him there in the bathroom.
He was staring at an image on his phone.
It was a picture of him and Jeremy.
Tears streamed down his face.
He whispered something to himself between sobs.

"M-mahal kita."

The Filipino was walking through the hallways of the school, he was excited cause the day is the day that he confessed his love to his player 2.
He stood there dead in his tracks.
Emotions hit him like a truck.
Jealousy, Anger, sadness, happiness, emptiness, Heartbreak.
He saw Jeremy kissing Christine on the lips.
He can feel tears building up in his eyes.
He pulled his hood up and ran outside the school.
There were tears streaming down his face.
He then proceeded to run home.
He was mumbling to himself.
"Mahal kita, Jeremy..."

A boy was sitting infront of a stone.
He was weeping in a red hoodie and there was a crumpled up note in his fist containing the words of his best friend.
The stone was surronded by flowers and ithad words engraved in it.
forever in our hearts."
He was sobbing heavily.
He unfolded the note that he read over and over again.
He wanted to read it on more time.
" Dear Jeremy,
Im sorry that it had to be this way.
You were an amazing best friend...
I cant thank you enough for the 12 years of friendship. I couldnt ask for a better best friend..Im sorry if I was a stupid piece of shit sometimes..
And im sorry that I took my own life...
I just couldnt take it anymore...I couldnt take the heartbreak...I hope you and christine are happy with each other....I never got to tell you this but I was in love with you...but that doesnt matter now...I hope you dont forget about me...I love you.
Your player 1,
Michael Mell"

Jeremy kept the note close to his chest as he sobbed onto the jacket that his friend once wore hoping that his scent would imprint on his skin.
He whispered something.


Im not sorry for the angst :'v
684 words

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