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I, like every other 15 year old, go to school everyday, come home, do homework, have dinner then do whatever I want until I have to sleep. This cycle repeats itself constantly and it feels like theres no escape. When I leave school I'm going to have to get a job then it will be get up, go to work, pay Bill's, try have a life between it all and go to sleep for the cycle to restart. I'm left to wonder what life has in store for me but never would I have guessed that it would turn out the way it did.


I tape my pen against the table waiting for the bell to dismiss me from this hell. The teachers dull voice drags on as the seconds slowly tick by. We are learning about world war one or more specifically the effects it had on the German economy but when I hardly pay attention to my own economy I'm not going to care all that much about one from the past and from another country. I get that it was tragic but when theres so many issues today like climate change and homelessness it's not at the top of my priorities.



I start rushing to pack up like every other student in my class. Hurrying out the room, not wanting to be last out or to spent more time in class than I have to I walk straight for the classroom door and through the school to the exit.

Half way home (if you take the bus then you missed it cause I'm lazy like that) I hear something behind me but brush it off as my own paranoia. The noise doesn't stop so I turn around to check what it is and see a few men not to far from me. Okay crime videos dont fail me now. I take out my phone and start to call my mum (if theres someone else at home change it) but I go to voicemail. Don't panic, just fake a call and hope they leave.

'Hey mum," I say to no one

"Yeah, I'm on my way home.... Tesco? What do we need?.... Okay cool, bread and butter anything else?.... Alright, how was your day?.... Really?.... Oh wow.... My day was fine, nothing really happened..."

I cross to the other side of the road when I noticed that they have gotten closer but dont run, it will make them try attack me earlier if they even want anything from me.

"I had history last, we were looking at the Ritschag and German politics and economy after world war one.... Oh the Ritschag? It was the name of the German parliament after the king, Kaiser ran away because people wanted him dead... Nah, not re-"

And the world went dark

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