'This is bad...'

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Blossom lay next to brick completely naked, under the covers
Her eyes where still shut, while brick was
In his pants,
Because he wore them back on, he cuddled her up in his hands, compressing her closely to her "I can't believe we did it blossom"
Brick smiled as his eyes blinked,
Kissing blossom forehead playing with her hair waiting for her to reply back
blossom just nodded still tired from all the action that was going on before, she was glad it was all over.
"Yeah brick, I still can't believe we here together..." blossom replied back with a small smile on her face already making brick smile back at her, blossom sighed knowing she was going a bit of tracked off in the conversation, brick just nodded, he had blossom and she was all his,
Well nearly next step was make her leave this house, and live with him and his brothers until he can offered to buy i new house, just for her and brick to live in,
And that is all he would wish for, not to prove butch wrong...
Because that's stupid, but to have blossom in his arms he wanted to love her like he never did in the past.
Blossom eyes opened, she felt like she did a mistake and a big one..how can can forget? She looked at brick with a fake smile "I just need to go the bathroom" blossom faking a smiled, getting out of the chest waiting for brick to reply
Brick just smirked "can I come to~" brick teased, blossom blushed as she turned her face over to him narrowing her eyes at him annoyed.
"Don't you think you had your fun?" Blossom scoffed, turning her face away from brick who just laughed, he pulled blossom hand gently, as he sat straight on the bed.
"I'm just kidding babe" brick smiled,

making blossom smile at him, waking over to him on the bed with her feet on the covers and her hands stepping on the  covers, as she kissed brick cheek
Brick just grinned as he grabbed blossom waist, feeling her soft, smooth skin,  making her lean towards him, placing her lips onto his lips, touching brick slowly pulled away not having enough of blossom,
Blossom giggled as she kisses bricks forehead she couldn't get enough of brick, he was cute and charming and obviously flirty by that grin on his face that kinda remind her of bricks brother, was it butch? She couldn't quite remember because he wasn't her enemy and someone to go for.
Blossom just smiled "don't miss me much" blossom teased, as brick just blushed a tiny bit from the comment as he let go of blossom waist letting her get change.
Blossom left the bed as she put on some hot red knickers,
Putting some new pair of red bra back on her skin, she sighed she looked the outfits since brick ruined her dress which she hated him for, she scoffed a bit "thanks for ruining by favourite dress.." blossom scoffed out, brick just couldn't help but to chuckle making blossom turned around to look if he would keep on laughing.

Which he didn't making her think she still had some control over men.
"What? It made a sexy atmosphere, you loved it"
Brick smirked, blossom just rolled her eyes trying to ignore what she just heard, as she put a black mini skirt wearing some white stockings, with a pink strips,
Also wearing a light baby pink top that had a black heart as the main image on it, she tied her
Hair back in a pony tail
Making brick groan a bit "you know you look really pretty with your hair down"
Brick smiled telling the truth blossom shrugged she was only doing it because her hair gets into a mess if she does and it could get in her way.
"And you know you look really sexy if you have your hair down"
Blossom shot back, making brick blush as she turn away his face making blossom sniggered.
"No it doesn't" Brick mutters while blossom tied  her small red bow onto the top of her pony tail as she turn around to see brick sulking a bit, she had to admit it was nice to see a man have some weaknesses for a change, and it was cute to see brick have some.
"Is that why you always have it always in a ugly man pony tail?" Blossom teased as she came to brick making brick blush from her getting close to him he nodded but he didn't think it was ugly.
Blossom pulled the red band from bricks trapped hair,
Making his hair fall on his back, it was up to his shoulders, "why don't you try a man bun?" Blossom smiled with her suggestion, brick eyed blossom eyes making blossom and brick eyes meet

"You're better than him" blossickWhere stories live. Discover now