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"Did you tell them? About us having twins and that they are both Male?" Brick said, blossom shook her head with a smile, she held bricks hand, "no, I was hoping we would keep that a secret, between us" blossom smiled, brick nodded with a loving grin, kissing blossom chin, and pulling out, "good, I wanted to keep that a secret anyways" he grinned, he then had a lightbulb flash, then remembering what he wanted to say to blossom.
"What do you want to call them?" Brick asked, as he raised an eyebrow, she smiled, "I was hoping..we would name one child each" blossom smiled, brick nodded to that, agreeing to what she said, mostly because it was a fair suggestion.
"But, it has to begin with a b" blossom smiled proudly,
Brick chuckled, he was going to keep the b tradition anyways, it happened to him and hers, it would be rude, if he didn't.
Nodding like a obedient dog "yeah, of course, I was going to anyway" Brick said, rustling blossom hair, like she was a child. She put her finger on her chin, trying to decide what name to give to get child, that begin with a b, "Brian" blossom smiled, she liked the name, and with a nod, she had already decided the name that she chosen, but she would only give it name, if he matched with the name.
"Brian? What a Nerdy name" Brick sniggers, teasing blossom, she pouted as she crossed her names, shaking her head to the side.
"It's not!" She moaned angrily, snapping at brick seriously, while bricks immature behaviour put that somewhere else, where no one needs it, brick nodded with a cheesy smile, as he tried to think of a name, he wanted it to sound a like a revel name, someone who was accuse to do trouble, because of their name.
"Bruce" brick smiled, the name reminded him of butch name a lot, but it wasn't because of that, it was mostly because it had the stereotype of a troublemaker, he liked that, because he once was as all.
Brick question popped, "how are we going to tell them apart?"
Brick said, sounding scared for that moment, blossom smiled, she had that planned out already or thought out already. "You just have to tell by different looks between them, if we can't....we would have to use clothes or socks" blossom said, like she got sick for that moment. Brick nodded, he grinned finding his own excitement from blossom being pregnant.
"I can't wait!" He smiled, couldn't even help his own excitement from having two sons, and a step daughter well almost, blossom nodded, she touched his hand, and squeezed it a bit, as then get her eyes gazing at bricks fury red eyes.

"Same" blossom nodded, as she kissed his forehead, he looked at her, with his bright red eyes, "Blossom, can I speak to my brothers?" He smiled, blossom gave him a weird look,
'Why would he want to talk to his brothers?' She thought to herself, though it wasn't any of her business, she didn't ask or even question. She nodded with a kind hearted smile, not knowing why he would wish to talk to his brothers,
When he was nervous about looking at them or bumping into them, in the first place? Maybe he regained confidence after that?, sighing after that smile, she knew where boomer and butch where, they where outside.
Sitting on the seats near the door, lips trembling with fear, with her sisters on there Laps, and apparently buttercup had forgave butch, for kinda raping her in a way, and for some reason, since that night, they had been closer then ever. Butch naughty trick worked with her in some way, he even said things worked smoothly with her and him.
Blossom couldn't believe it, especially if it's buttercup, that is involve, and even if it's bubbles, she wouldn't believe she would be fine With a situation like that, she would probably cry, and cause a bigger problem, than the actual problem there was. But at this point she had to trust butch, and no beys had been done, though
she didn't know why her sisters came, maybe it was because bricks brothers where coming? But all she knew, was why his brothers came, and it was mostly for him, and his health, which was kinda cute in a way, it showed that they actually cared for each other, they just don't show it publicly.
She opened the door, that lead to see his brothers and her sisters,
And of course, it was a sight to see, all of them where getting along Just fine~!
Buttercup had her arse sitting on butch lap, while he had his hand slipped under her arse, and of course she was beating him, while he still had his arm, touching her panties.
Squeezing it or slipping his fingers into her butt crack, digging one of his fingers in, seeing how far he can go, which made her do sex noises, like "ah~" and others, but mostly the first one. It looked like, he was just trying  teasing her, but buttercup couldn't help to kill him for it,

"You're better than him" blossickWhere stories live. Discover now