'Messy hair day'

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Blossom woke up feeling ugly as always whenever she wake up, feeling the hair slump back on her back,
It was like she just had a sweaty bath, it felt horribly she couldn't bare it, without a doubt.
She hated it but that's how she felt like always, she was never a morning person she reached out to stretch out her arms feeling loose she pulled down her arms feeling like a doll that woke up from her doll house, finding herself at daytime, that blinded her eyes just  a bit, she was still in bricks bed, beautifully naked under the covers full off his marks that he placed personally by his chose.
Blossom yawned, blossom looked at brick who was still sleeping, as always, his hair was still sweaty and messy just like hers, fur done reason.
And yet he looked a bit different, because he hair was now short not long, it wasn't like she didn't like it long,
She want to take the chance and see how he looked with short her,
And to her surprise he suited long and short her, she smiled she couldn't stop admiring him he way better then her abusing,
Speaking of which he may strangle her, but that doesn't matter because she's going to have brick with her and tell him to end their relationship and she could stay in with brick,
Until they get the right amount of money to buy their house of their own, she couldn't wait, he actually made herself believe their was a better future and she loved him for it.
If he wasn't their in that particular cafe, she might if chose a darker path,
She glared at all his features
He looked very sexy and handsome and for some reason she didn't feel that satisfied yet,
But she was too tired to go for another round, that was the thing, she didn't want to ran out of strength, but she couldn't hold back,
she gave one of her flirty glares she went closer to his face, crawling towards him getting closer like a snake on hunting duty,
as she went over just to poke his face gently,
Not trying to wake him up, but the same time she wanted to see his unrealistic eyes that where natural just like hers, but that didn't work,

he still moved in through that little movement, brick demonic eyes opened as blossom unleashed the beast upon her, he jumped on her, he gave a big kinda perverted grin, as he grabbed both of her two arms, holding the tight like he was trying to hunt her down back to her place he got on top of her,
Blossom gave nervous look, though she liked this side of brick he would give a tantrum if she pushed him away
He still wanted more, thought blossom kinda didn't want anymore by surprise, she gave a hesitated face, brick just grinned, blossom who gave a innocent look on her face that was hard to rub off "morning" she smiled, brick smiled and nodded as he leaned down, all the way to her neck, laying kisses on her neck, blossom just hummed as she carries brick neck and then reaching to his hair pulling him down.
Brick gave her some bite marks once again, Giving the hint 'more~' to blossom, blossom just returned it with moans but shivered while doing it.
"Morning babe~" Brick smirked, as he pulled out to see blossom tangled hair, but her beauty always would shine through like always.
Brick held one of her hair strands and then put his fingers through the tangled part and then started to slowly played with it, blossom just blushed "not satisfied yet? We can do another round of you want" Brick said with a grin, blossom knew he wanted more but she couldn't do another one,
She was too tired and yet she didn't want her daughter running up the stairs, hearing those kind of sounds from what's under the bed sheets.
Seeing she was dirty and she really needed a shower she hated feeling dirty. "Brick I need a shower" blossom said, as she tried to pull brick hands away, but brick was too dam strong
Blossom sighed, she looked at brick desperate eyes, she knew what he wanted, he wanted to shower with her.
"Brick...I want this to be really quick" blossom whinnied she really did not want brick to be with her,
Because she bet all her guesses that he would make her take her time on it, "Blossom please..." Brick said almost trying to beg just wanting to be
Close back to her arms again. And he even tried to make his eyes bigger, bigger then dog eyes,

It was my working but he decently was trying to act cute in front of her, blossom gave a wimpy look while looking at him. She really was a sore looser for him and
He really was trying to convince her, blossom sighed, turning her cheek to face the other side, she really
Didn't want to do it again, but she then agreed, she really like to see brick demon smirk once again.
"Okay brick..." blossom said she didn't make a rule for him to follow mostly because she kinda did want him to do it again with her.
Brick let her go, pulling away further from him, she sat back
Blossom put on her slippers standing back up, as she heard brick was right behind her, he hugged her waist, making blossom squealed making brick just chuckled from her cuteness, blushing she realised that she was still
Naked, "ack!" Blossom squealed blushing like a big idiot, brick chuckled once again 'why is she acting like Virgin Mary' Brick thought but however
He thought blossom acting skills was rather cute, he just smiled as he then let her go, blossom just blushed as she put on a coat just to cover her, she held bricks hand since he knew the way to the bathroom.
Brick just took his hoodie on and then covered himself with his trunks, when they where both ready, brick and blossom took a step out of the bedroom making blossom ready to ask her stupid question.
"Where is the bathroom?" Blossom said as brick got startled by the question because he was focused that she was actually holding his hand, he thought it was a bold chose from her, it was something that he did not expect from her not one bit.
Brick just pointed to where the door was, but lied it was actually butch room, he just wanted to know if Blossom remembered,
He doubt she did mostly because, he made sure she couldn't think.
And he wanted to know how the greens where doing sewing they where pretty loud,

wondering that he couldn't wait to see buttercup revenge to ether blossom because she's her sister or butch,blossom didn't remember the familiar
She really did trust brick, too much that her trust for him was unbreakable, but until now..
Blossom opened the dark green door slowly, paying no attention to the obvious striking colours that where noticeable to remember a familiar boy that had the same colour off eyes as the colour off door, she was hoping to see a bath and a toilet and that's all, but instead that she saw buttercup and butch sleeping in the bed together naked, blossom gave a quick glare to brick telling him 'wrong room' brick knew but he shrugged, blossom just gave back
A bird look of confusion and then faced back too the couple. Buttercup eyes started to open, she slowly lifted her head up, she was still sleepy she then look Down on her self,
She was naked and then she looked for who was beside her, non other then butch, she then saw blossom smiling then she stopped seeing buttercup glaring with such anger that food burst "YOU PLANNED THIS DIDN'T YOU??" Buttercup yelled, blossom was overwhelmed with her shouting she was surprised she had that much energy to shout when being woken up.
Blossom shook her head while raising her hands up for 'mercy' for not doing anything last night, and pointed to butch being a snitch,
She really was a teacher pet, buttercup was ready to beat up a face pretty badly, that begin with a B and end with a h.
Blossom just giggled and closed the door, and then gave a straight glare afterwards after seeing bricks face.
"You trick me" blossom scoffed, blossom
Muttered under her breath as she crossed her arms.
Brick couldn't help bug to laugh he nodded, he went closer to blossom, he held her waist with both of his bulky arms, making blossom squelch.
Brick smirked hugging her waist "oh come on babe, it was just a little prank, even you found it funny"
Brick said calmly, blossom pulled away from brick harsh embrace as she turn to see his confused look on his face, "you know what? I don't feel like it's a good idea having you with me in the sane shower~" blossom teased, brick stunned he shook his head wanting her to change her mind,

He believed it, blossom just giggled and went over to brick and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. She pulled out "it was just a little prank"
Blossom said sweetly, as she slapped her hair backwards just to get into the moment, leaving brick surprised, but felt incredible stupid, he gave a small angry look for her trick.
"The bathroom is over there" brick said pointing towards the correct door, blossom looked at him with disbelief, she didn't trust him but she didn't have a choice, because they would be their all day.
But he still followed her to the actual bathroom blossom gave a frustrated face, she swore if he did trick her, she would actually hit him next time and that was the truth.
And same to brick, he didn't want to risk it again, because he didn't want to miss her beautiful body, admiring all of her gorgeous curves.
They both made it too the bathroom door, it took them time but they finally made it, blossom stepped in,
As brick followed in with her, as closed the door behind him, he smirked waiting for blossom to pull off the coat.
Blossom shook her head "it's your turn, I'm always the one undressing myself" blossom said pulling a sulky face, just hoping brick would agree and do what he is told like a good dog.
"Who do you think I am? Of course it's your turn, it's always your turn" brick argued back, blossom scoffed but didn't want to cause a fight since she was known as the peace maker, Aka the libra, blossom rolled her eyes, huffing as she stripped off her coat,

Watching her perverted lover look at her, admiring each part of his body, to legs to breast to neck and then to lips, and turn hair.
She flushed a vibrant red, just like a tragic light showing red to a car. "This is embarrassing...undress your self as well" blossom said as she couldn't look at brick, she flapped her hand up and down just like butch.
Brick just chuckle, he was kinda getting used to her soft side, it was kinda nice to get to know her innocent side.
"Aww, look at you, playing innocent, where's my dirty pink babe?" Brick smirked as he took of his coat off, and threw it to the floor to catch. Walking toward to blossom with a seductive look on his face.
He grabbed blossom hips and bring closer to his, he brought himself to make a passionate kiss, sharing it with blossom, blossom hummed in surprise, but she melt into it, for her it felt so good, brick pulled out to see a blossom wanting more then just kiss. Her eyes where still close, having her lips puckered
"Desperate much~?" Brick teased with a smirk, blossom open her eyes, noticing brick wasn't going with a full on kiss her cheeks burned red, she really was expecting more, she didn't know Brick had the guts to play dirty too.
"Brick!" Blossom squealed, blossom blushed a bright pink while brick just Chuckled, he never took anything serious, especially this.
"It was just a little prank" Brick said with a smug look, blossom pouted she couldn't argue back to that.

To be continued...

Hoped you enjoyed!!!

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