Ch. 1: Sold

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(It all happened so fast I was laying in my bed when all of a sudden, my dad came in drunk and started beating me; he kept saying it was my fault, my mom left him)

“This is all your fault, she would have still been with me if she never had found out she was having you” He yelled.

(He punched me; I covered my face the best I could, soon he was done and left my room. I got up and closed the door and locked it fast; I went back to my bed and curled up in a ball, my mistake was falling asleep. Soon I woke up to my dad breaking my door; I looked at my father in fear)

“Get up” He yelled.

(I didn’t move which angered him more; he slapped me then grabbed the back on my hair and made me stand; he basically dragging me downstairs to the living room, I saw a man in a blue suit. He had pinkish pale skin, jet black hair, and dark grey eyes. He scared me more than my father did; my father let go of my hair and pushed me to the floor, I landed on my knees. I stayed there not looking up; I wanted to cry but didn’t)

“Are you going to take her or not,” Dad said.

(My head snapped up to him and then I looked at the man; I was so scared I didn’t dare move)

“Get up” The man said.

(I obeyed; I stood up but looking down at the floor, the man looked me up and down and circled me)

“Look at me,” he said. 

(I did as I was told; I looked into his stormy grey eyes)

“I’ll take her” He said.

(I wanted to yell and protest but all I did was run to the door; my hand was around the knob but I was yanked back by the man, he put a hand around my throat and an arm around my waist. I was too scared to struggle thinking he might just snap my neck)

“If you try that again you will be punished” He said. (Huskily)

(I gulped and sighed; he let go of me and paid my dad, the man bound my hands. We walked out the door and to a car; he opened the door, I looked at him. He gave me a warning look; I quickly got in, he closed the door. He got in on the driver side and started the car and drove off. For a while it was deadly silent)

“My name is Ian” He said.

(I looked at him with a raised eyebrow)

“Why are you trusting me with your name” I asked.

(He smirked) 

“I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere” Ian said.

(He deeply chuckled; a shiver went down my spine “What the hell” I thought, the car was silent again so I took this time to really look at him; his face looked dominant and intimidating, his jawline was sharp. “He looked like he stepped out a Calvin Klein magazine” I thought)

“Are you done staring at me” Ian said. 

(I looked down at my hands then out the window; I sighed and curled up in a ball, I just realized I have no shoes and I’m only in my nightgown. My eyes grew heavy; I tried to keep them open scared of what he might do to me while I sleep but I couldn’t keep them open)

“Sleep Jessie” Ian said.

(I wanted to protest but I was out with in seconds; hours later I felt my body being lifted into strong arms, I smelled vanilla and coconut. My body went back to sleep. Soon I woke up to a soft plush feeling; I opened my eyes and the sun was blinding me, I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I was in a big room; everything was dark purple and white even the bed covers “This must be Ian’s room it smelled like him but why would he let me sleep in his bed and not just put me in his basement or something” I thought; I heard a door to my left open and I looked it was Ian with only a towel wrapped around his waist)

Sold (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now