Chapter Twenty Two

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I blink awake slowly, I don't remember falling asleep but I remember feeling so drained and feeling safe cradled in Alex's arms, turning my head slightly my gaze falls on Alex's peacefully sleeping face. Gently moving his arm I sit carefully, feeling much more energised. My feet pad softly through the dark tunnel, rounding a stone corner, bright daylight blinds me, I take a few moments for my eyes to adjust before continuing forward, stepping into the light I sigh in pleasure as the warmth of the sun caresses my face, chasing away the chill I didn't know I was feeling. I tense momentarily when arms snake around my waist before relaxing back against Alex, his cool breath whispering over my neck.

"I will never get tired of sights like this." He whispers softly, his gaze scanning the brightly lit landscape, his eyes bright and wide like a child in a candy shop.

"How far away is the palace?"

"Just over those hills, 10 minute journey." My heart skitters at how close we are, I can only pray that the palace does let me in, lets me stay. I turn slowly, wrapping my arms around his neck as I kiss him softly, noticing the dark circles under his eyes.

"You need blood." I state in a soft whisper, his eyes flash before I pull his lips to my neck, to the pulse fluttering strong under the fragile skin. He groans before letting go of his resistance and sinking his fangs deep, I moan at the headiness, lightening dances through my veins as he suckles against my neck. After much too soon he licks my neck, closing the wounds and lifting his head, sweeping his tongue across his lips, an oddly sensual move, my body heats more at the sight.

"Thank you. We need to get going." He replies solemnly, he must be feeling the same apprehension as me. I entwine our hands as a symbol of strength. Pulling me into his arms he leaps down the cliff, barely landing before he is speeding off, my legs wrapped around his waist on instinct. Within minutes he stops dead in his tracks, his breath catching in his throat, sliding down his statue still body I turn and my heart stops. Laying silent in the valley is the battered ruins of what I can only assume was the palace, what once was turrets are now nothing more than piles of rubble, wood splintered everywhere, glass reflects the sun like millions of pieces of glitter.

"Is that the palace?" I ask quietly, still shocked that we fought this hard to get here and this is what lies before us.

"It was." Alex replies, despair in his voice, he starts walking towards the ruins, almost robotically, like he's being pulled by an invisible rope. Following quickly on his heel I can't help but feel sadness at the devastation.

"What happened to it?" I ask softly as we reach the ruins, Alex's hand brushing over the stones, but as I draw closer to the ruins I feel power flexing in the air, calling to me, but just as my fingers go to touch the stones a loud booming voice rings out.

"Step away from there!" We twist around, eyes wide, my gaze falls on a large platoon of men, all wearing uniforms, guns pointing dead at us, their eyes slightly glassy.

"Who dares point a gun at me." Alex growls, drawing to his intimidating height, but the men do not falter.

"We have orders to bring you in. Alex De Silva and Serena Marsh you are hereby under arrest under the jurisdiction of trespassing, treason and murder." The largest of the men states, as they all move forward in unison, their guns still firmly trained on our heads.

"Under whose orders?" Alex asks, sounding rather bored, even as my hands are sweaty. 70 to 2, I don't like those odds.

"The vampire high council." I step backwards, tripping over a rock before grasping a large portion of wall, power explodes through my veins, a scream lodges in my throat as I fall back, electricity shooting through my veins, fire burning beneath my skin. Squeezing my eyes shut against the swirling world around me I force my lungs to work, sucking in cool air, the pain subsides and I open my eyes. Alex holds my shoulders, worry in his eyes, around him is a dark aura with flashes of gold, pretty. He helps me up as I look towards the men who have halted their advance, swirling around them all is a sickly greeny red aura. A spell whispers through my mind, these men are not in control of their own bodies. My arms snap around Alex with surprising strength as he goes to launch at them, he turns his head, growling, his eyes turning black.

"They're under a spell. Dont kill them." I whisper, his eyes shine bright blue for a mere moment before morphing back to black, releasing him I step to the side, feeling the energy course through my arms, down to my hands where they slowly manifest into blue flames, dancing over my palms, the men's eyes widen before bullets start flying. Alex disappears from my sight and I have to hastily throw up a shield of air to stop the bullets aimed at my head and heart. Feeling the wind whip around my face, I release walls of flames, the bullets heating white before melting, droplets of white heat fall to the floor, sizzling on the damp ground. Feeling the wind caressing my face, I feel it's strength gathering, waiting, swirling around me, voices of unknown people whisper through my mind, chanting, my lips follow on instinct, golden symbols float in the swirling air around me, growing brighter and brighter as I continue to chant, my body lifts into the air, my back arches as the power within me grows until the dam bursts, the symbols and wind explodes from me, my skin feels like it is on fire as the wind collides with all the men fighting, hastily I imagine a bubble of protection around Alex who freezes, shocked face swinging to mine.

"Serena?" his voice calls, as clear as if he was stood next to me.

"I've got this." I reply calmly, feeling surprisingly in control as the waves of power rise from me, the men start to shake their heads, their eyes clearing. Confusion spreads across their faces as they glance at their weapons, then to me, before they drop  their guns, sinking to their knees. Alex speeds back to me as I slowly float to the ground, the power still singing in my veins as I entwine my hands with Alex's, I feel his muscles tense as if ready for a fight.

"who are you?" the largest man asks, his voice wavering as he stands slowly.

"leave now. Do not return." Alex growls harshly, the men take the warning without argument, racing away faster than their feet can manage. Turning back to the ruins I slowly stretch out my hand, brushing over the once smooth stones, I feel the power flow from my fingers and suddenly the stones start moving, my hands gesturing in the air, uncintrolled, but incredibly the stones start flying, slotting together like jigsaw puzzles, the shards of glass sweeping back together,  slotting neatly back into the newly arranged window frames. I can only watch in sheer amazement as the power flows through me, slowly but surely restoring the once magnificent Palace, Alex is frozen to the spot next to me, his eyes wider than saucers. I walk in a trance through the mending doors, into an awe inspiring foyer, a huge glass chandelier rises in front of me like a diamond ghost, glass pendents moulding themselves into place as the metal rises back to its rightful place above the foyer. My heart leaps in my throat as marble staircases rise from the dust, curving overhead.

"how?" Alex breathes, his breath whispering over my shoulder. His large hands span my waist as my hands continuously move without conscious thought, weaving a spell that's entwined in my dna. I feel the power of my ancestors pulse through the Palace, giving it life, providing protection and fixing all that was once broken.

"I don't know" I whisper back, afraid that if I speak any louder the spell will stop and we will be buried under the huge stone towers. Suddenly my hands drop, a moment before my knees give out and my lashes flutter shut, cool strong arms catch me, bluest eyes hold mine, concern flashing through the azure pools.

"Serena?" Alex's voice calls, sounding far away, distorted as if underwater, but I can't find the strength to reply as I sink into the welcoming darkness. But before I sink completely a strange voice whispers through my mind.

It is almost time for you Serena. Your powers will awaken at the next full moon. You will be the powerfullest of us all but with that power you hold the universes fate in your hands. Use your powers wisely. Do not give I. To the thrill of them, you will be dangerous. More dangerous than any vampire or mage that ever existed. Learn well. Learn fast little sister.

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