Glitch in the Matrics

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Another day in looney toons!

Puck's POV

"And then... YOU THROW THEM!!!" I said as I trained my new pet jackrabbits to throw stink bombs. Most of my chimpanzee army died during the war.

As the jackrabbits had fun with the bombs I thought up a new prank for Grimm. Since we had become all mushy I haven't done any pranks, but now.. she's gonna get it!

I have to think of a good one since last time.. well it kinda worked in her favor. Hmm, she hated it last time I handcuffed our hands together. 

I got it!


2 hours later, 8:30 AM

Daphne's POV

I was walking past Sabrina's room with Scarlet (Red) on one side and Elvis on the other when I heard a scream. It was obviously from Sabrina but this time I couldn't tell if it was because Puck pranked her or because something was actually going on. 

"Go get 'em boy!" I told Elvis who barked and barged into Sabrina's roomed determined. 

I slowly walk in behind the great dane to see Sabrina hovering over Puck with a very angry face and sludge all over her. 

After I recover from laughing I spin on my heels to go head down the stairs, although that was fun... food. Elvis and Scarlet follow me and Scarlet sits down with me as I start gobbling down food.

Of course I give Elvis some scraps cause well HE'S JUST SO CUTE!!

Today Sabrina's going to Phoenixum and I think she said she's taking her new friend Rosa with her. Granny Relda said she's taking me, Scarlet, and Pinocchio to the library then to the lake. 

Library I do NOT look forward to, atleast I remembered and I'm taking a helmet. Yes, Scarecrow from Oz still runs the library. Scary right? 

The house seems scarily empty, Uncle Jake and Briar live in their own house, Dad's well.. yea. Mom lives in New York with little Basil. Peter decided to stay in Phoenixum with Wendy. Morgan and Mordred and Mr. Seven have their own place. Mr. Canis and Mirror seem very distant and they have been since after the war. 

It's been eerily quiet.  

After Granny Relda finished cleaning up after breakfast and Sabrina, Rosa, and Puck took off to Phoenixum we left to go to the dreaded library. 

The car ride was also quiet, well the car wasn't but the people were. It makes me sad, what was going on? After the war and then Uncle Jake and Puck going away for three months and Dad leaving, the list goes on and on. What's happened to our family? 

I lean my head against the window and sigh, is this the feeling Sabrina has always tried to keep me from? Sadness? 

Elvis lays his head down on my lap and I stroke his head. It's like he can feel I'm off. I stay quiet as does the rest of the family as we drive toward the library of doom.


Pinocchio's POV

I looked at Daphne, something seemed off she was usually so bubbly. Although she has every reason to be sad after all that's happen it's still weird. 

I smile as I notice Elvis attempting to comfort her. Elvis was always such a good dog, I remember Baba Yaga said he was Daphne's familiar. I have therapy again tomorrow, ever Sunday. I sigh, I miss my father. Although the Grimm's are good people the could never replace my father and no one could ever get rid of the mermories that haunt my mind like monsters from the war.

Tobias pulls the car off to the curb and parks so we can all get out to head to the library. We all get out except Tobias, "you staying in the car?" Asked Miss Grimm. Tobias nodded and we all started walking to the steps of the massive library.

I looked back to see Daphne petting Elvis and promising him that we'd be back but told him he had to stay behind and protect the car like she always did. When she was finished she ran up to catch up to us.

When we got inside the library it was a mess, book in unorganized piles. Some even traveling threw the air. Just that moment one sailed towards me and I leaned sideways right before it slammed past me into the heavy wooden doors of the library.


Scarlet's [Red's] POV 

After dodging a few books I got yanked away from the entrance which caused me to almost trip over my feet. 

I looked up to see what was going on and saw that Daphne had taken Pin Head and my hands in an attempt to pull us away from the line of fire. 

We waited in the back corner of the library until Relda found what book she was looking for and all of us ran to the safety of the outdoors. 

Then we all got into the car to head to the lake, I should be exited about that right? I'm not, It's been hard to get exited over little things anymore. Everything seems to be going down hill and even the moonstone bracelet doesn't make me feel better about the wolf anymore. I look at Daphne, my best friend, my only friend unless you include Pinocchio. 

Tobias, my adopted father, hmm. He's so distant it's like trying to get warmth from ice. What's going on? I don't have a clue. 

I sigh and bury my face in my hand's pretending I'm just tired, as if. I stay silent and wait for the car to stop in the gravel parking lot. 

Once we get there I get out and walk down the pathway to the lake wondering off by myself. I sit down on a large rock and stare into the water, at my reflection. The wolf appears and I jump back with a gasp.

I look again. Nothing except my reflection...

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