[S11] Episode 10: Everybody Talks

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Harlequin opened his eyes. The first thing he noticed was the bandages over his chest. Upon closer inspection, his bullet wound was fully healed.

"He's awake," announced Olivia, who was keeping an eye on him.

"I'm not dead..?" asked Harlequin.

"We don't intend on killing those with good intended motives," replied Kitsune, "Especially after what we've seen in Industry City."

"You're a good person who just wants a quiet life away from this place," explained Ikarus, "We couldn't just rob you from that."

"You're all fools.." muttered Harlequin as he stared at the ceiling.

"His vitals seem to be okay," analyzed Ridge, "Not only that, but the things he's stolen were found and safely restored. Thanks for the help, Arcs."

"Don't mention it," said Ally, thinking of something, "Hey, have you guys seen any Feds around here? Federal Academy of Galactic Soldiers?"

"We have," replied Vance, "But this Harlequin guy here killed them all. Say, is your name really Harlequin?"

"J. Oliver," replied Harlequin, still staring at the ceiling, "My parents didn't bother filling out the rest of my first name."

"Anyways," said Vance, "The Feds we're making a huge ruckus, but we were glad that Harlequin here sent them running."

"You see," said Skye, "Everybody is talking about what happened in Reality Square 1 at Industry City. Apparently, the Feds have been getting stricter on their commands. They have been distributed throughout the reality squares."

"Oh, that must be really bad," said Kitsune, "The Feds are known to be very corrupt. They've even indirectly messed with my family."

"If you guys are that worried," said Skye, "I suggest going over to Reality Square 3. There's been lots of commotion going on there. With your technology, I'm sure that you can travel there safely and stop it. Other than that, we greatly appreciate your help here."

"So what do we do about this Harlequin guy?" asked Ally.

Ikarus stepped in front of Harlequin, who had turned his attention from the ceiling to Ikarus.

"You want a quiet life, right?" asked Ikarus, "I'm sure we can help with that too. Your starship is broken, and so is ours. With the combined technology, I'm sure that we can create a more fixed up version. At least, I think."

"Yeah, it's possible," interjected Banzai.

"Then, if it's alright with you," suggested Ikarus, "Are you willing to join us? In an attempt to find a quiet life?"

Harlequin stared at Ikarus for a moment before responding, "Fine. I have no other thing to do anyway."

"Alright!" said Ikarus as he jumped in joy, "Now, can we get a proper meal?"

Ikarus gobbled down the plates of food with joy as the rest of the Arcs looked in disgust. Skye and Vance on the other hand were astonished by Ikarus' giant appetite.

"Please tell me how you can ingest that much without gaining any sort of weight!" exclaimed Skye, curious on Ikarus' impressive ability.

However, Ikarus was too busy eating to even hear her.

"The Princess asked you a question!" yelled Kitsune as she hit Ikarus.

After eating the buffet ordered by Skye, the Arcs examined their starship.

"Using the parts from Harlequin's starship," analyzed Banzai, "I'm sure that we can fix this old piece of junk right up! Then, we can head over to Reality Square 3 and check that out."

"I wonder what we'll find there," commented Garbajo.

Ally leaned over to the side of the ship, talking with Ikarus, "I've seriously underestimated the other realities."

"Yeah," replied Ikarus, "Even with two years of training, we barely managed to keep up. It's really surprising how strong people can be."

"In the end, at least we learn from our experiences."

Harlequin laid in the bedroom of the starship. Olivia entered the room.

"Do you remember me?" asked Olivia, hoping he would notice.

"Hm. You're the person in the suit from that angel temple," replied Harlequin, "You're the first person to actually hurt me."

"Yes!" exclaimed Olivia happily, "I plan on trying out new things and hopefully overcome more of the impossible!"

"Good luck with that," said Harlequin, dozing off to sleep, "There's a lot of impossible things going on within the realities."

"Alright guys!" yelled Banzai, "It's time to go! Pack up and let's get on moving! Hey! Ikarus! Stop bringing that cowfish meat in here!"

Ally snickered mischievously as he snuck in some cowfish meat for himself as well. Skye, Vance, and Ridge waved farewell to the Arcs, who were heading off to Reality Square 3.

"Sir," said the soldier, "Reality Square 2's troops have evacuated because of the Harlequin. What should we do?"

"If the Harlequin is there, he must be stuck there," replied a deep voice, "Instead of focusing on filling that Reality Square in with more soldiers, we should enforce more security on the others. Start with Reality Square 3.

Send in Cruel Evangelion."

This is the end of the Eleventh Arc of Ikarus! I'm planning on making 10 episodes for each arc to make it less exhausting for me to create long stories, so I hope that's a reasonable schedule. In turn, this will also give me more refreshing ideas so that fights wouldn't be as boring or short as some Ikarus episodes. Hopefully this will be a much better experience!

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