[S14] Episode 8: Bedtime

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"You are all welcome to stay here and rest for the night," announced Durant, as bird servants rushed around the house to get supplies and materials, "I'm sure you all are very tired from your fight with the evil creature. We can provide any food and service to you if you desire."

"Alright!" smiled Isen, "Free food AND bedding? What a great day it's been!"

"Don't get too comfy," said Liquid, "We'll be leaving first thing tomorrow so that we can head off to a different Reality Square. Maybe we can even get clues on where exactly the generals are hiding."

"Dibs on the top bunk!" yelled Tyrant as he rushed towards the bedrooms.

"You'll destroy the top bunks," yelled Nasir angrily as he followed after him, "What do you mean?"

Reina, Vanya, and Styx had shared a room together.

"Can we really defeat the generals?" asked Styx, staring into the ceiling.

"With the new companions we've acquired since our last attempt to fight the general, Xero," answered Vanya, "I'm sure that it is possible to win this time."

"What did happen back then?" asked Reina as she played with a knife, "I'm curious."

Vanya sat up, her hair in a frizzy mess, "If I remember.. it was only Nitro and I that were in the battlefield."

Three people fought on the bridge leading towards the Grand General Palace. They were surrounded by a multitude of Federal soldiers trying to take them down.

"Samson!" yelled Liquid as he crushed the helmet of a Federal soldier, causing the head to explode, "Why are we still fighting?"

"Come on, Nitro!" laughed Samson, shooting a Federal soldier in the face, "You and Talos don't know how to have any fun!"

"Samson, please!" yelled Vanya, using her psychokinesis to push people off the edge of the bridge, "We've already lost Michigan, Dante, and Cassie! If we continue, we might even lose you too!"

"Graves, Halware, and Cager fought for the Black Circus and their goals, Talos," responded Samson, as he ran up the steps of the palace, "We can't give up now. We have to make sure that their deaths weren't in vain!"


"So," said the Grand General, Magnus Chase, "Samson Jekyll, leader of the Black Circus. I didn't think you'd even get this far, so I applaud your efforts. For a man without a Lock or Key, you managed to handle yourself nicely."

Magnus Chase was the Grand General of the Federal Academy of Galactic Soldiers. This meant that he was the supreme leader and ruler of all of the Reality Squares. He wore linen clothes and a cape, bearing no metal to protect himself. He was that confident in his abilities.

"We're here to take you down and end your rule, Chase," smiled Samson as he pointed his gun at him.

"How odd of you to say last names of people," said Magnus as he stood up and walked towards Samson, "Why do you do so?"

"To show respect to my enemies and friends, of course!" answered Samson as he walked towards Magnus as well.

However, as Magnus and Samson got closer to each other, Samson began feeling a lot of pressure and soon was kneeling on the ground.

"Kneeling already?" asked Magnus, "I guess that's fine. After all, you're supposed to kneel to your superiors."

"Stop it!" yelled Vanya, "I know that you're making Samson kneel by using your Key!"

"What kind of Key does this guy even have?" nervously said Liquid.

"My Key emits lots of pressure towards people," smiled Magnus, "However, despite your respectable greetings, I would have to kill you all."

"I can't pull the trigger!" yelled Samson, "Nitro, help me out here!"

Liquid used his magnetization to control the bullet inside Samson's gun, magnetizing it towards the blood in Magnus' head. However, as the bullet approached Magnus, it shot down to the ground instantly.

Panicked, Samson yelled, "Nitro! Talos! Run!"

"And the bullet kneels as well," smiled Magnus as he lifted his foot and crushed Samson's head.

"Come on, Vanya!" yelled Liquid as he took Vanya's hand to run away.

However, as the two ran away, Magnus got closer and closer to them. They suddenly felt the huge weight on their backs and began sinking to the ground due to the pressure.

"We're not going to escape!" yelled Liquid.

"Liquid, don't lose hope!" yelled Vanya as she used her psychokinesis to push them both away from Magnus' range, sending them shooting out of the palace.

They quickly got back in their vandalized starship, which only had one last core left in it to head back to Reality Square 1.

"Vanya," whispered Liquid, as he clutched his hands, "I swear. We will get back at Magnus and make him pay for what he's done."

"Ever since that day," concluded Vanya, "Nitro and I have taken steps to always remember our efforts. Nitro has been more strategic and I have been practicing my psychokinesis. Mentioning others by their last name is also another way for me to remember."

Styx commented, "Aw. That's swee—"

Suddenly, a hand plastered itself onto the window of the metal house, ready to take revenge.

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