[S13] Episode 4: Meal for All

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"Uhh.." nervously smiled Kitsune, "Nice weather we're having!"

Samuel and Nadia Moriko sat at the other side of the table, opposite from where the Arcs were sitting. They had big smiles on their faces and never talked, except for when they invited the Arcs for dinner.

"Are these guys mentally stable?" whispered Garbajo.

Ikarus was already eating the food, which had a combination of meat, eggs, vegetables and bread. The food was of high quality, spent with the highest value of currency within the Reality Square. The Morikos seemed to be a very wealthy family, despite not having some form of communication skills.

"They're giving away the money!" yelled Banzai happily, basking in the coins that the Moriko has in their vault, "We'll be rich!"

"Banzai is swimming in money... and Ikarus is stuffing himself once again," complained Kitsune, "When will they learn manners?"

"It's always a pleasure to serve the Arcs!" smiled Nadia, "Always a pleasure!"

Nadia fell to the ground. Garbajo and Kitsune quickly stood up from their chairs to help Nadia, while Ikarus still ate the food.

"This is way better than vulture!" Ikarus said while stuffing his face with chicken.

"Are you alright, Nadia?" asked Kitsune.

"Always a pleasure to serve you!" smiled Nadia, bleeding from her head.

"We should take her to some sort of hospital," said Garbajo, "Not only is she hurt, but she's mentally out of her mind."

"Always a pleasure to serve you!" smiled Samuel.

The doors opened, with Olivia dragging Harlequin into the house. Olivia stopped in shock, seeing Ikarus' stuffed face, Banzai swimming in coins, and Garbajo and Kitsune manhandling a smiling bleeding woman.

"What are you guys doing?" exclaimed Olivia.

"It's not what it looks like!" panicked Kitsune, "Well.. it kinda does! But it's not really! Nadia just fell from her seat!"

"And she's kinda mentally disabled.." mumbled Garbajo.

"Aren't we all," commented Harlequin as he sat down, eating Garbajo's untouched food, "Just leave them be."

"Any reason what happening?" asked Olivia, "Why are they acting like they don't know anything but to serve us?"

Banzai finally jumped out of the coins she was swimming in, ready to explain, "The inhabitants of this Reality Square are very rich. Very rich to the point where they've lost their mind and are constantly trying to seek some sort of goal. Wealth has pretty much dumbed them down.

What they want to do now to satisfy their boredom and achieve their goals is to serve us. After all, you don't get to meet much people from a different Reality Square."

"Oh, I see!" smiled Olivia as she sat beside Harlequin to eat Kitsune's untouched food.

"Wait!" cried Kitsune, dropping Nadia's smiling body to the ground, "I'm hungry too! Find another plate to eat!"

"Man, are you guys this annoying?" asked Harlequin, eating his food, "Can't a guy eat his food in peace?"

"Mmph, mmph, mmph!" chewed Ikarus, gulping down his meatballs, "Food always taste better with friends! That's why I plan on eating as much as I can in order to savor the flavor!"

"Seriously odd," replied Harlequin as he chewed his food.

"Do you guys know where Ally is?" asked Banzai as she sat down on the table, beginning to eat her food.

Garbajo explained, "He says that he—"

"Is planning to investigate a crime scene," interrupted Harlequin.

"A crime scene?" asked Kitsune as Garbajo frustratingly ate his food, "Did something happen?"

"There's been a recent string of murders taking place within the Grand Marketplace," continued Harlequin, "We think that it's related to the Feds trying to lure us in. I offered to help investigate with Ally, but he insisted that he wanted to do it himself. What a pain."

"Well, that's Ally for you," laughed Ikarus, almost choking on his food, "He always wants to prove himself and become the strongest swordsman!"

"Speaking of swordsmen," asked Kitsune, "Did Ally manage to teach James Sr.'s teachings on sword-fighting?"

"Yeah," replied Ikarus, "Back in Reality Square 2, before we left, Ally managed to teach sword-fighting to some kids. James Sr.'s dream will be accomplished in no time!"

"Who let Ally teach kids how to sword-fight?" asked Kitsune with concern, "Those poor children.."

Banzai immediately finished her food and ran back into the coins, trying to once again swim in it. Ikarus was still eating the main course even though the other Arcs were already on dessert.

"Hopefully Ally is doing okay," said Olivia.

"Big Sword is a strong guy," replied Garbajo, "I wouldn't be too worried about him. In fact, I think I'd be worried about whoever will face him. So far, he's defeated three elite angels, Diablo himself, Aventius Korblack, and even Liquid Nitro. How truly terrifying."

"In my opinion, we're all equally strong!" smiled Ikarus, eating an entire cake, "Kitsune has that big boom of hers that destroys warships, you have that big burning monster, Banzai can go speedy speedy, Olivia is literally nicknamed a Massacre, and Harlequin likes to run away a lot!"

"Hey!" angrily yelled Harlequin.

As the Arcs ate their food, they had no idea what Ally was going through.

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