[S18] Episode 6: Hall of the Dead

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"This place.." mentioned Kitsune as she looked around, "Is this really the path to the office of the Grand General?"

"Yes," answered Liquid, "Vanya and I have traversed this path back during the first invasion. This was the most optimal path when it came to getting there quickly without any trouble."

"Hey.." announced Ikarus as he tugged on Ally's coat, "Look at this familiar face!"

"Woah.." said Ally in awe as he stared at the painting, "Its.. Jacob Badger?"

"Yeah! The one that we fought back at the Ville of Farms! I didn't think that we'd see him again like this!"

"Guys, look!" announced Kitsune, pointing to another painting."

"No way!" replied Ikarus, once again in awe, "It's Sharx! And Ein and Franken! Why are they here?"

"And look at this," frowned Garbajo as he pointed at another painting, "Good ol' Darryl Montgomery."

"Can't believe we actually tried to help that guy," grumbled Ally, "That guy was totally bad business. Stealing souls and stuff is no good."

"And yet another familiar face," mumbled Oliver as he stared directly at a painting of Jordan King, the general of Industry City.

"Azarael is here too.." said Reina as she looked at his painting, "Why would Azrael be here as well?"

"This place isn't just any normal hallway," announced Liquid as he stared at a picture of Splinter, "It's a hall of the dead, a place to remember the fallen Feds up until this time. If you want any further proof, look over there."

There were new paintings at the end of the hall, with Jin Xero, Lyn Xero, Ryuji Benkei, and Hazama Kodachi plastered over them. Styx looked at the paintings of her sisters.

"I swear guys," she thought, "I'll avenge you for everything the Feds had done. I'll make it right for everyone."

"Be careful now!" yelled Liquid as the ends of the hall began to close, "Get as close to Vanya as soon as possible! Nasir, Olivia, and Garbajo, I want you all to be the nearest to Vanya!"

"Do as your told and trust Liquid," added on Oliver, possibly using his foresight to predict what was going to happen.

The Arcs and the Black Circus did as they were told, heeding Liquid's warnings. Soon, the hall's sides began to open up, releasing water that was spilling out onto the floor. The water began to rise up, almost filling the hallway with an enormous supply. Vanya was keeping the water away from the group, using her psychokinesis to move the water away from them.

"What is all of this?" asked Isen, confused.

"It's a trap," explained Liquid, "Vanya and I have been here before. The hall of the dead would close unexpectedly, and water would rise to try and drown those who were inside. This water would get rid of any fire, so I knew Nasir, Olivia, and Garbajo would have some trouble if they touched this.

It's lucky that we have Vanya, or else we probably couldn't survive except by trying to break out of the hall's sides and go for a more direct approach. We can't afford direct approaches like we did in the entrance of this palace. We have to do all it takes to take down Magnus Chase secretly. An ambush is needed."

Soon, the water began to fall down and the doors opened, where Federal soldiers had cornered the Arcs and the Black Circus at both sides. Oliver already knew what was going to happen, telling everyone which way the blasts from the Federal soldiers would head towards. The Arcs and the Black Circus teamed up once again to defeat the Federal soldiers and quickly escape the Hall of the Dead.

"How many Federal soldiers does the Feds exactly have?" asked Ikarus as he followed Liquid to their next destination.

"More than the Feds that we saw back in that Forest Reality and back in the Battle of Industry City," answered Liquid, "They may be weak individually, but in huge numbers they're seriously strong. Best not to underestimate them and keep yourself on your toes at all time."

Ikarus began to balance on his toes, trying to tip-toe while following Liquid. Liquid stopped and looked at Ikarus.

"Idiot.. I didn't mean it literally," replied Liquid.

"Oh," chuckled Ikarus nervously as he began to walk normally, "I was getting a little tired there for a second, too!"

"Seriously.. how are you Diablo Antoine? You have the brains of an idiot and the most powerful weapons known to reality."

"It's pretty complicated to explain," Ikarus said as he chuckled nervously once more.

"We're nearing the waiting room for the Grand General's office," announced Vanya.

"A waiting room?" asked Ally, confused.

"All generals have things to do I guess," mentioned Garbajo, "Some people will have to wait to meet him."

"Except us," continued Oliver, "We're charging right in."

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