New Recruits

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My alarm wakes me up at 6 am and I quickly get dressed for my morning run. I enjoy the crisp air that filled my lungs and the beautiful look of the humidity that had set upon the grass and leaves, giving them a sparkly frosted look. Now was the time of my day which I could enjoy being by myself apart from passing the occasional worker who would be exercising too. 

I finish in under half an hour and return to my room to change into my uniform and redo my hair. I undo a few straps inorder to tuck all my weapons into their holders and stand in the sun to soak up the victim D. it was cold but the nice kind that didn't prick at your skin. Instead it brushed passed in the light breeze. I relax as best as I can against the scratchy wood on the outside of my room before scanning the clipboard that held the list of recruits. Me and corporal always pick out names and laugh at them. Honestly some parents must really have hated them with the names they came up with. My phone vibrated in my pocket once so without taking my eyes off the list, I pull it out and turn it on.

'You seen the famous faces on the list?' It read. I look up to corporal who seemed to be laughing with another worker while looking up at me from his phone. Oh god who is it. Or worse yet, who are they. He said faces, plural.

I scan the list and flick through the rest of the names until I got the the bottom where written out, were the names of 7 famous boys. Yep Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. That's going to be a handful.

10 minutes to 7am. Only 10 minutes but you know it feels like forever when you're anticipating something, especially now that I know those seven will be there. I knew they had to enlist soon but I wasn't expecting it to be here. After the wait, I make my way to the meeting room and when I open the doors, I walk with a straight face down the centre of the lines up recruits, my boots clicking on the floor the only thing you could hear.

They all stand at attention and when I get to the front, I turn to face them all. 'Welcome, I am Sargent Y/L/N but you can call me Miss. Now, I am here to train you and make you the best soldiers this country has ever had. But... before we get started, I want to tell you a few things about myself. One, you don't speak to me unless I speak to you or you are instructed to. Two, I don't take any messing around so be very careful how you act around me.' I say this looking around and spotting 7 familiar faces. 'Three, no matter where you came from before this, you are all equal in my eyes. So that means no special treatment for anyone' I look directly at the BTS members.

'Ok I think that is about it. You may now go to your assigned rooms and put your stuff away. Your training starts in 30 minutes when we meet at the first task spot.' I leave quickly and I can hear everyone relax a little as I leave the room. It makes me laugh at how intimidated some of them are.

I make my way to my room where I grab my phone I put down a moment ago and leave for the first task spot. This is going to be interesting...

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