Gym Time

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'Now copy me. Feet shoulder width apart. Back straight and arms locked in-front. The kick back isn't bad with this gun type so don't worry too much about the arms locked part'. He does so and I push his arms a little further up as well as straightening his back a little from behind, placing my hands either side of his surprisingly slim waist. 'Now take a deep breath and fire'. I felt his heart race as he pulled the trigger. 'Perfect, now tomorrow at 6:30am meet me here, do exactly that and I will give you an 9 on my notes. Ok?' He nods and smiles gently back.

I walk back to the campsite with him and we talk a little about how he and his members had decided after retiring from their celebrity lives, they would serve their country together. They had no plan on continuing with their celerity lives which seemed to pain him.

When we arrive, he goes to his room and joins everyone eating lunch. I call Liam over and say 'tell everyone dinner is at 7 and be prepared for tomorrow's tough training.' He whines a little before he goes off to spread the word. After, I head to the gym area which is an old abandoned barn which has weights, mats and other equipments that don't require electricity to use. I start my work out and halfway through my sit up reps I spot Jungkook approaching. He smiles, bows quickly and starts his own little work out. We both train for a while and when I finish, I stretch out my muscles. 'Hey newbie! I suggest you don't tire yourself out just yet. You will be surprised about how much you will have to do. So be careful.' He stops immediately as if scared I'm going to tell him off and thanks me for the warning. His duality is crazy. He went from all tough when he was doing his push ups to a cute little bunny when he was talking to me.

Dinner is finally being served and I eat on the higher rank table. The sun is setting behind us and we are all talking about some of the newbies. 'Hey that Yoongi was pretty good. I see a lot of potential in him. But I couldn't help laugh at Jin's attempt.' One of them said 'You guys obviously don't see deep enough. You see yes Yoongi has a nice shot but I believe his stamina will slow him down a bit. He is one that I know will get tired very quickly. Jin on the other hand, he was just warming up. I can see his strength and his ability to learn and adapt. I believe he is one of the strongest recruits we have here.'

I say this firmly almost in a challenging way. 'Well then' he replies. 'We will see what happens when it comes to the surprise run.' 'We shall' I say smirking. Me and that guy (called Mark) are always teasing each other a lot and are constantly looking for bets to throw at each other just like I was with everyone. As the only female there, I have to be strong on my feet and firm to get what I want and prove my point.

Everyone finishes eating and we all return to our rooms, shower and go to bed. I sleep well until my alarm for 2am goes off. This is gonna be interesting...

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