The Test

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I get dressed and we leave together to get breakfast. I spot the other guys and start to walk up to them. Tae grabs my hand and kisses it. Before I can remind him to not show any public signs of affection, Namjoon shoves him hard away from me. 'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING TOUCHING HER LIKE THAT TAE!' Namjoon shouts. I try to speak over them but are to loud to hear me. 'SHE IS MINE! STOP TRYING TO SHOW OFF JUST BECAUSE I WON HER' Tae shouts back. They begin to fight. And I try my best to stop them but fail. I didn't want to hurt either of them so I couldn't exactly punch my way through this.

I quickly grab my gun and fire it upwards. Everyone becomes silent and stares at my angry face. 'You two in the meeting room now! Everyone back to your rooms! Gather at checkpoint one at 8am for your next task!' I push past them two and they follow with their heads down. I'm getting tired of all this drama.

We arrive at the meeting room and I turn to face them. 'You need to stop this bullsh*t! Tae I'm not yours so don't treat me like it! I have already warned you about this! And Namjoon as much as you think it, you are not my bodyguard and have no right to start a fight!' I pause briefly and sigh. 'I am telling you now, this next task will be the one to kick you both out. A true soldier can turn their emotions on and off like a switch...remember that... now go and get ready.'

They leave and I stand alone in the meeting room. I take some deep breaths to get rid of my anger and go to my room. At 7:45 I head to checkpoint one where a modern building hides in the woods. It is filled with rooms that contain a chair with restraints and a table with an injection on. There are also machines that connect to a screen in each room. I walk into the last room and wait for a recruit to come. Hoseok walks in and gives a nervous 'hello'. I show him where to sit and I start restraining him in the chair. He makes a dirty joke and I try not to laugh and keep my serious face on. 'Now I'm going to administer this into your wrist and I guess you will see what happens. But remember no mater what happens react like a soldier would... ok?!' I quickly inject him and he falls straight asleep.

Hoseok POV
The needle stang a little as it went in but I kept a straight face because I wanted to look tough infront of Y/N. I feel my eyes close and fall asleep but my mind is still awake. It feels so strange. I suddenly see Y/N. She is under water and UNCONSCIOUS! I quickly dive in and swim to her. I grab her waist and pull her above the water. She coughs and opens her eyes slightly. 'Hoseok' I hear whispered. But wait... her mouth isn't moving! I am so confused. I hear it again but it gets louder. I suddenly open my eyes and see I'm back in the room I was in. I see Y/N. 'Oh my God' I quickly break free from the chair and rush over to her beaten body. She coughs and struggles to breath. 'Run! Leave me! Go!' She says weakly. I shake my head, place her over my shoulder and sprint out the building where I am stopped in my tracks...

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