Elimination Time

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He takes out a cream from the bag and carefully applies it to my bruise. I tense my face as he touches the sore area and a sharp sting spreads across my skin. 'I'm sorry' He says as he sees me flinch in pain and pauses. 'It's ok' I reply pulling his hand back up to continue.

I am shivering out of tiredness and the fact that it feels like -8 billion degrees. He smiles and lies me back on my bed, gently pushing my shoulders. He tucks me under the blanket as I laugh and I thank with a hug to his surprise. He was so startled but I liked how I felt in his arms. He was so cozy I didn't want to let go but I made myself and dismissed after saying goodnight. Not surprisingly, I immediately fall asleep.

It's now 6:20am and I have gotten dressed, found my mirror thank god and applied an ointment to my face. I head down to the shooting range where I told Jin to be and I only have to wait 30 seconds before he shows up. He stands at attention and smiles. 'You know you can drop the strict rules when no one else is around' I say while laughing a little. He chuckles and relaxes as we enjoy the gentle silence of the woods. He takes a few steps forward and asks 'how are you feeling? Are you still in pain?' He looks at my bruise in a very concerned way. I laugh and tell him 'I'm fine now. It's ok.' He replies with a quick 'good' and smiles back. 'Ok now you remember what I told you last time?' Without hesitation, he stands in perfect position, aims and fires. His aim was perfect and directly hit the middle which impressed me a lot. I laugh and nod. 'There we go. You can do it, you just need to stop it getting in your head.'

He smiles, looking at his feet as if blushing. After a few minutes we walk back to the camp where everyone is eating breakfast. I see the 7 members sat down so I talk to them for a bit before doing my morning run. They all decided to join along with a few other recruits and manage to keep up with me along the trail. It was nice having people join me on my run and at the same time still not destroying the quiet. When we return I realise a weirdly tense atmosphere as they return to their rooms to get ready for the day. I wonder around inspecting everything but stop when I suddenly hear shouting. I kick my feet down he campsite from near the meeting room and see a huge crowd of recruits. I push and shout my way through to the middle where I see a man with the 7 guys. He looks angry and they are standing their ground. He goes in to punch Jimin put I quickly run in to stop him. I grab his wrist and look sternly into his eyes. 'We don't tolerate any sort of fighting here!' I look around as if I'm telling everyone there. 'Now consider this 10km run a form of apology'. I point to the track sign that says 10k and he looks down at his feet. 'Mark, watch him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid again.' He nods and both him and the recruit head to the track. 'As for everyone else, today is the first day that I can eliminate people. This means if you aren't good enough, you are sent away to the less-abled camp. So you all better be prepared. Gather outside the meeting room at 7:30 and we will begin!' I shout this out and head to my room like everyone else...

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