Staring at me

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'You're eliminated.' I say to the man who was going to hit Jimin earlier that day. 'What?!' He replies, eyes filling with shock. 'You don't have the correct attitude for this place. I can tell you walked the whole way so pack your bags and someone will take you away.' He almost starts crying as he walks away to his room with his head hung down. This leaves the number still at 35 remaining.

We all finish eating and I head to the gym. A few people join because I gave them the afternoon to recover from the mud run until the evening task. I stop after 40 mins and head out where I see Hoseok looking down as if in sadness. 'Can I help you?' I say trying to sound concerned but not too much. He looks up and replies 'no it's fine. I just know I'm gonna be eliminated.' 'Now how do you know that. You came 7th in that run out of 45. You have the strength, you have all the abilities we need to survive. You just need to get over the voice in your head. Because the only thing currently that will send you home, is that. So stay strong, ok. You're doing great.' He smiles as I go off to my room.

Me and the corporals have a relaxed afternoon and I talk to a lot of the newbies and find out more about them. Only a few stood out as potential soldiers. But weirdly all through my conversations with recruits, I felt Taehyung's eyes fixed on me. I spot him from the other side of the campsite and move my head to the side as a way of saying follow me. He does so and I stop behind the gym where no one can see. He approached and stops very close to me. A little too close.

'So why can't you take your eyes off me?' I say blatantly with an eyebrow raised. He chuckles and takes another step closer. I can sense his heart racing and mine steady. I have always been good at controlling my emotions but for some reason I'm finding it much more difficult this time. 'I can't take my eyes off you because with a body like that near me...I cant control myself.' He whispers in his deep voice. I tilt my head as he stares directly into my eyes. 'You're single aren't you princess?' He asks while scanning my face. 'I don't date recruits who don't come first in tasks.' I whisper in his ear and laugh before walking away. I can feel his sexual frustration as I leave him with such a blunt comment.

I gather everyone after dinner and explain the next task as the sun sets. 'So this task is one of my favourites. It's basically laser tag but once you are hit, you are out of the game and must return to base. You can choose your weapon from the selection infront and corporal 1 and I are team captains. We will take it in turns to chose who we want and then we can begin'...

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