Set off

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I wake up to the gentle snores beside me. I partially open my eyes to see a peaceful Yoongi sleeping. I sneak off for my daily workout and at 6:30 I wake every up. I knock on the doors to their cabins and they all quickly get dressed and come out.

'So!' I address them as they stood in-front of me. 'For the next 2 hours you should pack up all your stuff and clear out your cabins. Make sure your uniform is immaculate and you have showered because after those 2 hours we will be heading to the head quarters where we will be given our first mission. Make sure you eat breakfast as well and your time starts now.' 'Yes ma'am' they all reply and rush off to get ready.

I too packed my things and chucked them into the huge jeep.

'Are we ready!' I shout as everything is packed

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'Are we ready!' I shout as everything is packed. 'Yes ma'm' they shout back. I laugh and we all get in the jeep. We just about fit in and the corporal starts to drive as we are in the back.

'So when we get there, just a heads up, the head is only nice to one person and that is me so don't piss him off please and stay behind me at all times. Ok?' They nod in understanding and I lean back in my seat and breath deeply. 'Hey are you ok?' Namjoon whispers in my ear. 'Yes just... on edge. I don't want to see you in the same place my last group did.' 'And where is that' he says confused. I look at him with a straight face and reply 'a graveyard' and turn back to face forward.

We all talk for a bit in the car but before long I find myself falling asleep. Unknowingly I rest my head on Jungkook's shoulder. I hear muffled things like 'She is so cute for someone who does this as a job.' And 'how is she so beautiful?' As I drift off...

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