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I have this not-so-lowkey desire for Plagg to slowly develop this sort of weird in-his-own-mind rivalry with Gabriel over Adrien.

Gabriel says no birthday party? WHO CARES IF AN AKUMA THREW IT, WE'RE GOING. Gabriel-approved schedule says it's bedtime? LEMME SCARF THIS CHEESE NOW LEGGO CLAWS OUT WE'RE LAPPING PARIS TWICE TONIGHT. Gabriel is just in general the neglectful worst? SIT STILL AND LET ME GROOM YOU KID SHUT UP I'M NOT PURRING YOU'RE PURRING fine maybe we're both purring.

Basically, Plagg aggressively adopting his chosen as HIS KITTEN DAMNIT and vengefully leaving dead mice in Gabriel's designer shoes.


Reporter: The two of you have gone through a lot together. What kind of trust has that inspired?

Chat Noir: LB likes to say she trusts me as far as she can throw me.

Ladybug: It's true.

Reporter: What? But I'd think...

[Chat Noir is climbing onto Ladybug, who holds him above her head]

Reporter: ???

[Ladybug yeets Chat Noir full force over the Paris skyline like a javelin]

Reporter: !!!

Chat Noir: [screaming laughter, rapidly fading]

Ladybug: It's a joke of course, I can't throw him far enough.

Ladybug: Yet.

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