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- Chat has been visiting Marinette pretty regularly to hang out, eat snacks, play video games, etc.

- Just having fun spending time with his friend.

- Alya gets pictures one night while he's leaving.

- Oh crap.

- Word gets out that Chat Noir is dating Marinette.

- Double crap.

- Suddenly everyone and their mother is giving him the Shovel Talk.

- One by one his classmates flag him down during patrol or Akuma attacks.

- Alya is fucking terrifying. And he fully believes her when she says if he hurts Marinette she will find out every piece of info on him up to and including what age he stopped wetting the bed.

- Ivan threatens to turn him into a pretzel.

- Nino is less terrifying but that boy can do 'I Am Disappointed In You' even better than Gabriel. And that's scary in its own way.

- Rose mentions off-hand that if he breaks Marinette's heart she WILL find a way to get him neutered.

- Tom and Sabine are honestly expected by the time they get ahold of him. What's surprising is which one is scarier.

- It's Sabine.

- Poor, frazzled Chat.

- No one believes him when he tries to tell them that he and Mari aren't dating.

- No. One.

- At least Marinette is feeding him extra treats to make up for all the grief he's being put through.

- He still gets chills thinking about the time that Rena and Carapace cornered him one night.

- He 1000% believes Rena when she tells him she knows PLENTY of spots where they would never find the body.

- He gives up when he gets the Shovel Talk from Hawkmoth.

- Just... gives up.

- If he's going to go through all this grief he might as well ask Marinette out.


Hawk Moth: How did you find me?

Cat Noir: Oh, it was easy really. I just listened for the sound of complete and utter betrayal, and followed that.

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