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headcanon that some passerby sees Chat Noir detransforming after Feast and finds Bananoir, and the banana costume becomes a Paris Meme™️ to the point they are EVERYWHERE. Marinette gets a lil heart attack everytime she sees someone using it (and completely loses her shit when her school decides to throw a Banana Day and eVERYBODY SHOWS UP IN THAT STUPID COSTUME INCLUDING ADRIEN.)

Bananoir™️ has *plagged* (see what i did there lol) the city to such extent that when Gabriel finds Adrien's costume, he makes nothing of it except the fact his son is probably a bigass nerd.

As for Adrien, him and Plagg like to sit back and enjoy the chaos they have sown.


Queen Bee: I think I speak for everyone when I say-

Ladybug: For the record, she doesn't.

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