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Marigold Headcannons

- Chat noir is initially very wary of Marigold, (understandably because of the BS with Scarlet). Marigold is very understanding about it, and tries to take it slow with Chat noir to earn his trust.

-Chat noir completely trusts Marigold after he saw her call out Scarlet Lady. Scarlet even seems to listen to her, which Chat noir thought was impossible.

- Marigold is more athletic then Scarlet, and Scarlet hates how her action shots look, because Marigold is doing better.

- Marigold is super sweet to Chat noir, giving him cute nicknames and praising him. Which Chat noir was emotionally starved for, like an alley cat that found a good home.

- Thanks To Marigold, Chat noir is able to relax, and actually sleep better. So his dark circles start shrinking. Marinette notices and asks Adrien about it. 'I guess I am finally catching a break.'

-Marigold becoming the second sunshine in Adrien/Chat noir's life. As she helped make being a hero fun.

-Marigold's superhero crush on Chat noir blossoms into a full blown love after a bit. As working with Chat noir, she got to see how he was from a new perspective. She always admired the hero that the media seemed to ignore, but damn did she get a much better appreciation for him now.

-Adrien coming into Marinette's room one day, seeing all of the Chat noir stuff. (Had to hold himself back from crying tears of joy. His croissant angel is a fan of his. Life is beautiful)


Marigold: Scarlet!

Scarlet Lady: Why are you yelling at me? Chat noir is the one that failed to trap the Akuma.

Marigold: Chat noir is a treasure and has done nothing wrong. While you have done nothing.

(Akuma in the distance): Oh snap

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