Chapter 7: The Bloodbath

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As Khanis stared at his sister's defeat, Evil Anubis came out of Khanet in his soul form to remind Khanis of one thing. "Khanis. You hurt me, you hurt your sister as well." Evil Anubis explained. Evil Anubis went back to his original form and walked to the other side of Khanis. Khanis picked up his dagger and turned around. "Let her go!" Khanis demanded in a stern voice. Evil Anubis then turned around. "Or what? You may be the king, but you have no control over me." Evil Anubis stated. "As long as you're in my domain, you will listen to me." Khanis replied. Evil Anubis then cackled. "Spoken like a true king, but I don't listen to you. I'm a god." Evil Anubis stated.

"That's no excuse." Khanis exclaimed. "You do realize that I can destroy you within seconds?" Evil Anubis explained. "That is enough!!!" Khanis screamed. "Oh! How mighty of you to stand your ground in the face of battle." Evil Anubis replied. All of a sudden, Evil Anubis healed Khanet and possessed her with his evil magic. She stood up and charged towards Khanis. Khanis turned around. She swinged her dagger at him.

Her eyes were still red as they stared into his soul. Khanis began sword-fighting with her again. He then grabbed both of her wrists, so she couldn't hurt him and so he could talk to her. She growled at Khanis. "Khanet. Stop!" Khanis begged. She then looked down at his stomach and smiled evilly. She pulled away from Khanis's grasp, put her weapon away, and kicked Khanis in the stomach. He dropped his weapon and fell on his knees. "Ow! My stomach." Khanis whispered.

Khanet picked up Khanis's dagger and tossed it to Evil Anubis. He laughed at the thought that his plan was coming along nicely. "Well done, my little puppet! I'm very proud of you." Evil Anubis stated. Khanet then cackled. "Don't do this. This isn't like you." Khanis replied. "Silence! I've heard enough out of you." Khanet yelled. Khanis was shocked about what his sister had said to him. "You will rue the day that you told me to be silent." Khanet added.

Anubis walked over to Khanis to defend him from Khanet. But as he was walking over, Evil Anubis stabbed him in the back.

"Anubis!!!" Aya screamed. She looked at Evil Anubis and yelled. "Don't hurt my boyfriend." Aya exclaimed as she ran over to Evil Anubis. "You must be Anubis's new girlfriend. How lovely to meet you!" Evil Anubis stated as he smiled. "You leave her alone. I Nekar, Prince of Luxor, order you to stop." Nekar demanded. "Nekar. He won't listen to you. He doesn't listen to anyone." Khanis added. Evil Anubis then cackled and explained "Khanis is right. I don't listen to anyone." "Would you look at that? We have some new faces in this war." Evil Anubis added. "Where's your sister, Evil Anubis?" Anubis asked as he glared.

"My sister is back at home." Evil Anubis replied. "Why?" Anubis then asked. "You see...I told her that this time, I didn't need her help and that this new plan of mine didn't require her assistance." Evil Anubis explained. "Enough chit-chat. We won't let you take over Egypt whether you possessed our friend or not." Anubis declared. "Why do you want to take over Egypt?" Iris asked. "Yeah. Is there a reason?" Nekar added. "He doesn't have a reason, guys." Anput remarked. "Actually, I do have a reason." Evil Anubis replied. "Bloody marvelous." Anput stated. "What is this reason of yours?" Iris then asked.

"The reason as to why I want to take over Egypt is because I live in a hellish dimension and my dimension bored me to death, so I decided to find a kingdom that I could potentially take over since I don't rule over my dimension. Evil Ra is the rightful ruler of my world." Evil Anubis explained. "But why the main part of Egypt?" Anubis then asked. "Because it is the core of all Egypt and if I rule over the main part of Egypt, then most of Egypt will be mine." Evil Anubis then explained. "There are other places to rule over besides Egypt." Anubis replied.

"I like Egypt more. It's a better civilization than any other." Evil Anubis declared. "Sad to say this, but...I'm afraid you won't be able to make it to my coronation because you'll be dead!" Evil Anubis stated. He then pointed his finger at Aya and added "And she will become my Queen." Aya then scowled at Evil Anubis. Anubis became furious about what Evil Anubis had said. " will regret saying that because she's MINE!!!" Anubis growled. He picked up his dagger and charged towards Evil Anubis. "Fine. I'll play your game." Evil Anubis whispered. He then started to run from Anubis. "Get back here, you moron!" Anubis yelled.

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