The Way To A Girls Heart Is Art

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By: Nessarin_the_greatish
"Amber, come dance with me!"

Andi didn't wait for a reply before grabbing Amber's hand, pulling her closer. Amber didn't mind. The bright flashing lights, booming music and oppressive heat within the room was a little overwhelming, or it would have all been. But, somehow being there with Andi with hands clasped as they twirled and spun amidst the crowds, the music and heat and lights faded - to nothing at all.

The low base of the song led their spontaneous steps and spins, pulsating through Amber like a frantic heartbeat. Or was it because of something else? The closer Andi got, the more she grinned and giggled and the quicker the beat became.

It had to be all the dancing they were doing, was how she reasoned her thoughts away.

But as the night went on, the two floated away from each other. Unable to resist, Amber's eyes sought Andi out amongst a sea of people, something in the pit of her stomach lurching each time someone else danced with her as she had. She tried to ignore that.

Later that night, TJ went up to the stage. The first few chords silenced the room to no more than hushed anticipation. However, Amber smiled knowingly. She looked between her brother and Cyrus as they shared soft glances while he sang the first few lines, and then she began too. When the song was in full swing, everyone loosened up, seemed elated. Electrified even. Andi sang across the room to her, grin wide and eyes wider. For a fraction of a moment, the nerves returned, but she sung back with enthusiasm to match.

A little after the song, numbers began to dwindle down. The night settled into the sky but Amber wished dusk had lasted longer. She wanted the moment to last. In some ways, it felt as though the night was endless. The party would keep going and she would keep dancing (with Andi) and laughing (with Andi) and-

"Mom's here Amber." she glanced up at who had tapped her, words nearly lost in the music and chatter of those still there.

"What?" she gazed back towards Andi.

TJ let out an impatient scoff. "You heard what I said. We're waiting outside in the car and will abandon you in five minutes." He was about to walk away before adding, "Oh, and I call shotgun."

Amber rolled her eyes. "Of course you do."

Heart sinking as she readied herself to leave, Amber started to gather up her things, careful not to forget anything. Really, she wasn't "ready" at all. Certainly not emotionally speaking.

"Oh, you're leaving now?" Andi asked.

Nodding, Amber forced a smile on her lips. "Yeah."

"Sucks you couldn't stay longer, but, I'll walk you out, if you want?"

The smile was no longer forced.


Until they were right at the door, not much was said. There was that familiar sinking, heavy weight in her chest again, as Amber thought that might be it. No words, besides from an awkward goodbye. But of course, right at the last second "it" became something after all.

"I had a lot of fun tonight." Andi smiled, soft and sweet. So sweet it was reflex to return it with a one of her own.

"Me too."

There was a beat too long of silence. Of smiling and quick glances. It was unnerving, but in an addictive way that made Amber's stomach churn. Out of habit, she let out a short chuckle.

"Thanks for hosting an epic party, I'm sure it'll go down in history."

"You think?" Andi teased.

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