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By: Green_lemonboys

"This is by far the worst idea we have ever had," Andi mumbled, and Cyrus shushed her as he crouched behind the rock he was hiding behind.

"I didn't force you to come," he whispered back, as Andi peeked over the rock, holding the binoculars up to her face as she peered through them, huffing slightly.

"You asked me to come!"

"No I didn't. In fact, I specifically told you not to come and you said, "You can't tell me what to do!" and forced Bex to buy you a ticket here."

"Details, details," Andi said, waving him off as she sat back down, the hot sun shining harshly on her face, the heat scorching even when she tried to hide her face with her hands. "Anyway, the guards seem to be chatting right now, and according to the plan Blondie at the Research centre told us, they'll be going on break soon. That's when we blow the whistle."

"And that's when we charge," Cyrus muttered, and Andi and he looked at each other, immediately snorting at the utter ridiculousness of their situation. But the people who were with them turned around, immediately harshly shushing them, before turning back ahead.

"Of all the places we would go to hang out, the Area 51 raid is the last place I expected us to be," Cyrus whispered to Andi after the group had forgotten about them. Andi smiled, resting her head against Cyrus'.

"I know, but we're together so this is gonna be fun," she whispered back, and Cyrus giggled softly, before tightening his grip on his NERF gun. Seeing that almost made Andi lose her shit, until she realised she too was only holding a water gun. Damn Bex and her no sharp knives policy.

Suddenly, there was some mutterings across the group, and Andi peeked over the rock, peering through her binoculars, excitedly tapping Cyrus on the shoulder.

"What? I'm trying to vibe to 'E.T.' by Katy Perry here," Cyrus whined, but Andi pulled him up by the collar, pushing the binoculars in front of his eyes. He looked through and started laughing, looking over at Andi, who had the whistle in her mouth.

"Let's go free some aliens."


The raid was nothing short of absolutely ridiculous, yet it was the most exhilarating experience of Cyrus and Andi's lives. They decided to forego the people who were Naruto running in, just to spare themselves some dignity, but they ran in, Cyrus just gripping his NERF gun and Andi shooting water at every guard she saw just as a reflex. Both were fully prepared to be gunned down, like so many of the people who were running in with them, but somehow, by some miracle, they managed to manoeuvre through the guards and make their way past the fence, the bullets practically whizzing past their ears as they kept their heads down and they just ran ahead. Cyrus had been slightly worried about the possibility of landmines, but those luckily just proved to be rumours, the ground fairly solid when they ran into the compound.

"Buffy is gonna be so mad she missed this!" Andi yelled into Cyrus' ear as they ran in, and Cyrus laughed, turning to smile at Andi but not slowing down, knowing that they were in what was really a life-and-death situation. But they had managed to do it, following the first wave of raiders who had managed to open the doors to the compound.

They were in Area 51.

Cyrus looked over at Andi, coming to a stop, panting. No matter the adrenaline, he was not at all used to running. He was hunched over, resting his hands on his knees, and he brought up one to shove Andi in the shoulder, who had also stopped to take a breath. They both looked at each other and immediately burst out laughing, Andi falling to the floor and rolling around, grabbing her stomach. Cyrus wiped away tears from laughing so hard, his face red as he tried to catch his breath, clutching his stomach.

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