Smile For Me

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                              By: sunshinekittyy
    Andi had gone through tough times before. Her life had always been like a rollercoaster of emotions, with its ups and its downs, like most lives really, but recently, it had just been overwhelming. Firstly, there was the news of her parents not getting married, which was, to her, one of the worst things that could happen. To others, it might seem childish, but to her, it was as if her world had just collapsed. The thing she had been looking forward to for months, her wildest dream, all down the drain. All the plans, the excitements, the fights, the energy they out into everything, it didn't matter anymore because it had all been for nothing. She was so shocked, she had been in denial for days. Eventually, she had to face the harsh truth: it just wasn't happening. Just thinking about that was enough to bring her mood down to the dumps. Her parents felt bad and did everything they could to make her feel better, but nothing worked. She had tried to brush it off, but the more time passed, the harder it got. She became more irritable, and probably meaner than she intended to be. On top of that, she had to deal with her friends' problems as well. There was Jonah's relationship with Amber, to which Andi didn't understand the struggle, considering they already dated, but that she didn't question, and then there was Cyrus, who had been isolating himself ever since Costume Day and the fiasco with TJ, and who Andi had tried to help and comfort as much as she could. She usually liked helping her friends, but recently it had been so hard to give them the support they needed because she felt depressed herself. All she wanted was a break, a break from her emotions, a break from her problems, a break from everything. The only place that gave her comfort, apart from Andi Shack, where she had spent most of her days, was The Spoon. She didn't care if she went alone, she just needed baby taters and a milkshake. She could ask a friend to go with her, but she honestly just wanted some time alone; she needed to breathe. Andi sat at her favourite seat near the window, by herself, and no matter how good the baby taters were, she had trouble swallowing them. She played with one of them, rolling it around the bottom of the basket, but she couldn't bring herself to eat it. Her milkshake sat on the table, almost full. She looked out at the window, sighing deeply as she watched the pedestrians walk by.

"Andi?" She suddenly heard her name and she abruptly lifted her head. She immediately recognized who it was, she'd recognize her voice anywhere. She turned her head, only to see Amber.

"Oh... hey Amber" she had almost completely forgotten that Amber worked here, and that she would definitely notice her sitting alone. After all, there weren't that many people at that time of day, so she was probably noticeable, even from the corner she was sitting in. Amber looked at her with her head tilted a little to the side, holding her notebook close to her chest.

"Why are you sitting alone?" Andi dreaded that question, yet she expected it. She knew that she always sat with her friends whenever she went to The Spoon, and that anyone who saw her come here would ask her about it. She just gazed down at the basket, letting go of the baby tater.

"I don't know, I just... needed some time alone, I guess. Thought my favourite meal would lighten up my spirits" she didn't really feel like going in detail about how she felt right now. She thought about just lying and say that she was fine, but she knew that Amber wouldn't believe her. She just shrugged, sighing. Amber just frowned.

"And... is it working?"

"Not really"

"Do you want to talk about it?" Amber inquired softly, a look of concern in her eyes. Andi simply shook her head. She almost wanted to tell her everything, to finally get all that pain out of her chest, but she felt like the words were blocked in her throat. She feared that she would burst out in tears if she did.

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