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                        By: dancedanceresolution
"Shhh!" Bex heard Andi say rather loudly as she, Cyrus, and Buffy giggled inside her room. Bex smiled to herself, opening the door slightly on her way by.

"Doors open, please," she sang as she walked past the bedroom. She glanced back to see Buffy covering her mouth with her hand while Cyrus and Andi laughed wildly next to her.

Bex rolled her eyes. On her way to the laundry room, she continued to hear the kids laughing and chatting. "She heard you, Buffy Driscoll! And you know Bex; now she's gonna force you to finally ask out Marty!"

"Shut up, Andi!"


Bex smiled proudly as she watched Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus scarf down the waffles she made that morning. Yes, the use of boxed mix was required, but hey, these were waffles that Bex made, not the usual freezer-burned (and oftentimes toaster-burned as well) Eggos. She was killing this parenting thing.

"Hey Mom," Andi started, her voice muffled by the waffle still in her mouth. "Could you drive us to the flower shop after school today?"

"Oooh, why are we buying flowers?" Bex grinned as she sat down across from the kids.

"Homecoming is in two days," Buffy responded.

"High school dances," Bex said dramatically. "So, who are your dates?"

"Marty," Buffy said calmly, preparing to take another bite of her waffle. Her fork stopped midair when she made eye-contact with a now panicked looking Cyrus.

Oh. Bex's suspicions about Cyrus must be true: she recognized his look of gay panic™, having made those same expressions herself as a closeted bisexual teen.

"Alright, you don't have to tell me," she said, giving Cyrus a little wink. He didn't see it, though, as he was now looking towards Andi.

Was that gay panic™ on Andi's face too?

"We're going to go get our backpacks and start to head to school," Andi said, getting up from the table rather suddenly. Buffy quickly shoved a large bite of waffle into her mouth before following Andi and Cyrus upstairs, giving Bex a muffled "thank you for making breakfast" as she caught up with her friends.


Bex observed as her daughter passionately discussed the Homecoming Dance plans with Buffy and Cyrus. Andi had a notebook in her hand, scribbling down ideas and marking off the complete items on her checklist.

"Buffy," she started, consulting a page titled "Wardrobe" filled with writing and colorful doodles, "do you still own that lilac dress from Libby's middle school graduation party?"

"Of course. Why?"

"I've decided that we'll be doing a group color scheme instead of just having couples match colors. Amber is wearing an eggplant purple, I'm wearing lavender, you'll be wearing that lilac dress, Cyrus can wear the plum button-down Norman got him last Christmas—"

"—why have you memorized all of our wardrobes?"

"—and I've already put Amber in charge of finding TJ a purple shirt for underneath his suit jacket. We are all going to look amazing!"

Bex laughed under her breath, remembering the half-goth-half-grunge aesthetic she and her friend group wore to their freshman-year Homecoming Dance—no planning needed.

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