Origami Hearts

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                                    By: donutcats

"So, you know Jonah?"


"I kissed him."

"Good for you?"

"This is a big deal!"

"Is it?"

Amber groans, loudly and obnoxiously, slicing her hands through the air for emphasis. "Yes, yes it is! Because, we're not together!"

"So, you kissed him, but it's not ok, because you aren't dating?"

"Exactly! Or, well. It's more complicated than that."

Tj sighs and shifts around, trying to get comfortable as he listens to his sister complain. Somehow he ended up on the floor, and Amber got the prime real estate of his bed. He blames the fact that he took his eyes off of his bed for a second too long while his door was open. That was the biggest mistake, forgetting to close his door, knowing Amber was both in a mood and home.

Deciding enough is enough, the time to take back what's his is now, Tj clambers into bed, purposely knocking his knees into her legs and planting a hand on her stomach for leverage. He situates himself against the wall, his legs stretching out over her own. "When you came in crying that you had a problem, I really thought it was a Problem problem and not some boy drama. I have enough of that myself."

Kicking out at him, Amber doesn't cede any ground, just situates their legs into something more comfortable for both of them. She lets the quiet stretch on, so Tj refocuses on his 3ds, holding the stylus between his teeth while he taps at the screen with a finger. When he finally realizes he's being an idiot and that he should really use the stylus, Amber begins talking.

"I've always liked Jonah. Like, he's always been really sweet and always understanding, even when I would totally use that to my advantage so I could lie and maybe sort of manipulate him. I actually really understand that maybe us dating wasn't a great idea and-"

"Wait, you dated Jonah?"

"Yeah? How did you not know this?"

"Because I barely pay attention to you outside of our house."

Amber blinks, and then shrugs. "Ok, valid. But yeah, we dated for like a hot second but then we broke up. It was totally a mutual thing."

"So he broke up with you."

"Shut up." She kicks him again, bare foot connecting fully with his shin, so he reaches out and does the only sensible thing. Pinches the skin of her knee.

After some more very mature kicking from the both of them, Amber lays back down again, huffing and fanning her hair out on the mattress, around her face. "He was just really nice when he didn't have to be and I kinda have always loved that about him. So like, I'm totally into Jonah. That crush I swore I had on Andi? It's gone. Just, gone. Because I kissed Jonah."

By the end of the statement, Amber's voice has lowered itself to a quiet tone, and her fingers knot together in the fabric of her tshirt.

Closing his 3ds, Tj scoots a little closer, trying his best to keep the pretzel of their legs still in tact. He won't admit out loud but however Amber managed to arrange their limbs every time actually is comfortable. "You can't like Andi, because you like Jonah? Amber," he kind of just lets his voice trail off after her name, because he doesn't know what to say, really.

"Exactly. My crush on Andi was like. Super strong friendship feelings. Because I've never really had friends that were girls before, and Iris doesn't count. Not really. I kind of knew her for so long that she was just grandfathered into my emotions. But, Andi is new. Which means new feelings and new nerves and new wanting to impress her."

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