Unrequited Crushes

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                              By: shipsandglitter

There were stars appearing amongst the night sky by the time Andi arrived home from the police station, collapsing down onto her bed and finally allowing herself to relax. The adrenaline of the past few hours was beginning to settle down, and now she was left alone. Wondering.

Amber had left her at the Ferris wheel. Of course she had. What was Andi expecting?

More importantly - why was she so hung up over it? It wasn't like Amber had proved herself to be anything but a jealous person at the best of times. That's what it was, right? Jealousy?

Andi thought back over the day, how easy things seemed to be with Amber after getting past the initial awkwardness, how right it felt. It was like somehow she'd known this girl for her whole life.

She also felt some things that were concerning, to say the least. She felt sparks dancing in the air around them while they leaned in close to do one another's makeup, she felt butterflies filling her stomach whenever Amber would hesitate for a moment, forgetting completely about their task as she looked back at Andi.

It was hard to make sense of at first. She'd only ever felt that way around Jonah when they'd first started talking, but how could those feelings possibly be resurfacing now? Now that she was with a girl?

After hours spent in her bed, tossing and turning, closing the blinds when the pale moonlight pouring in became a nuisance and opening them again when her room became too dark, Andi finally came to a conclusion.

She'd forcibly push those feelings down and pretend they'd never happened. It was easier this way, after all. She could deal with liking boys, but girls? That seemed far too complicated for the time being.


It was a bright day in Shadyside, virtually cloudless with only a light breeze gusting over the crowds of people as they navigated between stores.

Andi and Amber were walking side by side, on their way to the lobster roll truck.

"So you're telling me you don't like rain?" asked Amber, throwing the girl an incredulous look, "what has rain ever done to you?"

Andi couldn't help but laugh. "Apart from ruin my clothes?"

Amber just waved her off though, bumping their shoulders playfully as they walked. "Clothes dry, bambi."

Andi's heart skipped a beat as it always did at the nickname, but she pushed those feelings, which were threatening to bubble up again,  right back down.

"Yeah, but you have to wait! What if you wanted to wear those clothes in like...a few hours?"

Amber shrugged. "You have about ten million cute outfits in your drawers, I think you're good."

When Andi didn't do anything but raise an eyebrow at the girl, Amber giggled.

"Fine, how about we just agree that rain is nice when you're inside with tea and a blanket?"

"Okay," Andi relented, sighing dramatically.

Their hands brushed then, and both of them glanced down for a split second. Amber smiled hesitantly as she looked back up at the girl.


Andi didn't exactly know why she was apologising - people brush hands all the time, after all - but she didn't question it. She just smiled back.

"It's fine."

And if their hands 'accidentally' brushed a few more times as they walked, Andi wouldn't tell.

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