The Colors of Her Bracelets

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                                By: staristired

Amber stared down at her new planner, the empty calendar squares waiting to be filled up. Holding down one side of the planner with her bracelet covered wrist, she reached over for a gel pen with her other arm.

Andi's birthday <3

She wrote down the most important event of September in pink before going on and writing in the first day of school and a few other events.

"Hey, sis," TJ knocked on her door, already walking in.

"Come in," Amber let out a yawn, turning over to look at her brother, the old orange cat under his arm. "How is the baby doing?"

"Cyrus is great, thanks for asking," TJ grinned, immediately getting an eye roll from Amber.

"Not your baby, this baby," Amber said, reaching out for Macaroni. He had just gone to the vet with TJ and their mom. TJ handed over the cat before going over to sit on his sister's bed.

"He's fine. Just old," TJ told her, laying back. "Do you think he can beat the record for world's oldest cat?"

Macaroni licked Amber's cheek, making her smile, "What's the current record?"

"Crème Puff the cat lived for 38 years and 3 days."

"If he keeps eating the way he does, there's no way he's going to live past 15," Amber laughed, scratching him behind the ears. Macaroni purred, content to be in his favorite person's arm.

"Are you going to take him with you to college?" TJ asked her, Amber looking up to look at him as if he asked her to snap his neck.

"Why would I do that? You'd cry," Amber told him, smirking slightly.

"Macaroni would miss you," TJ shrugged, Macaroni letting out a small mew. "See."

"He's telling you to shut up," Amber smiled, causing TJ to roll his eyes, the smallest of grins in the corner of his mouth. "But seriously, if I get to go to Michigan, then Macaroni can't come with me."

"What if you go to MSU?" TJ asked. Midwest State University was only two hours away compared to the four or more of any other college. TJ had always been in love with it, and Amber wouldn't mind going there herself.

"You're just going to follow me there, so maybe," Amber smiled.

"Hey," TJ defended himself, "I've been wanting to go there for the longest time ever."

"I know, little brother," she giggled, "but maybe. You can keep him here for the first year I'm gone, and if you go to MSU, we'll see what happens."

"You think ma and dad would miss him?" TJ asked her.

"They've been wanting a dog for a while, so probably not," Amber shrugged. "Dad really wants to go all the way to California to get an Afghan Hound, but they wouldn't do that until we're both out the house."

"They're still pretty young. They're gonna have fun."

"Perks of getting married young," Amber told him and winked, "and mistake babies."

TJ ignored the mistake baby part and retreated to something else, "Speaking of getting married young-"

"You're not getting married the second you turn 18," Amber yelled it out.

"Not that," TJ blushed, "I was just going to say that your friend Kip got married last weekend."

"Oh yeah," Amber said, before Macaroni jumped off her lap and went to play with the door stopper, "he's in the military."

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