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It was still early in the morning when Robin and Steve both drove up to Hopper's house. Robin had taken it upon herself to drive Hopper back, since he ended up drunk in the store in Aloville.

They all went inside and laid down, everything crashing down on them at once. Hopper vomited and then passed out on his bed, Robin took the couch, and Mike and Richie shared El's bed. Steve said he was going to go home, but he'd be back around seven so they could talk over what to do next. Even though Robin and Steve didn't need to get involved, they cared about El and knew she needed their help.

Richie was dead tired, but he couldn't sleep. His mind was focused on Eddie, as usual. All he wanted was to save his friend and protect him from the psychotic doctor, but the world didn't work that way. He'd have to actually fight to save his friend.

"You need to sleep," Mike mumbled, his eyes slightly opened. "You're not going to be allowed to go save him if you don't sleep."

Richie rolled his eyes. "I'm not tired."

"The bags under your eyes are almost as big as your ego, Richie. Just fucking sleep."

Richie grumbled under his breath but eventually closed his eyes, drifting off quickly.

He and Mike both woke up to Steve shaking the two of them awake. According to the clock, it was nearly nine. Richie didn't feel refreshed at all, but he knew it didn't matter. What did matter was finding where Eddie was and saving him.

The two were still in their clothes from the day before, so they ran out to the kitchen. Robin handed them both plates with toast and eggs, then one to Hopper who Steve had to drag out of his room. They all sat in silence, eating their food, until Robin spoke up.

"Joyce said that Will and the other kids from Derry found something that can help find El and the others who were taken. They should be here in an hour or so," she said, looking at the three who were clearly exhausted but wanted to help anyway.

"Okay," Mike said, wiping his eyes. "Any word about what they found?"

"No, just something important. They also said that we need to be ready for anything, so I'm not feeling extremely comforted," Steve added, running his hand through his hair.

Sure enough, a few hours later, the other losers and Will showed up at Hopper's house. Joyce was leading them, and she looked both hopeful and pissed off when the threw the file down on the table.

"I swear, I'm going to find some way to put my own son under house arrest," she said, glaring at Will and the other losers.

"We found something important, mom!" Will exclaimed, clearly not wanting to start a fight. He obviously respected his mother and didn't want her to be man since he was trying to help.

"What'd you find?" Robin asked, trying to keep the pair from breaking out in an argument.

"I wanna know what they did first," Richie said with a smirk.

Robin lightly slapped him in the back of the head. "We're trying to keep them from fighting, dingus."

"And I'm trying to find out what bullshit my idiot friends got into!"

Stan gave Richie a look that told him it wasn't the time to get into that kind of argument and that they needed to start going through the file, so Richie shut his mouth and grabbed the book.

"What'd you idiots find?" he asked in a sing-song voice, opening it.

Stan was surprised Richie was nearly using a voice. He hadn't sounded happy since they lost Eddie. Even though they knew Eddie and El were most likely in danger, he couldn't help but feel happy for Richie. That being said, Richie's good mood dropped as soon as Stan explained the file and how they found it.

"Wait, so that fucking clown was fake?" Richie asked, eyes so wide in shock that it would've been funny in any other situation. "That entire time, it was all fake?!"

"Yeah, it was," Mike Hanlon said. "We think that the guy that took El and Eddie made it in order to capture his experiments. I mean, that's what all the evidence suggests."

"We need to save them," Richie instantly said, walking toward the door. "You have a location, so let's go!"

"Kid, these guys have money and support. Going in there without a plan and backup is a suicide mission," Hopper stated, looking pitiful. He obviously felt bad for Richie, who looked pissed.

"What about your backup?" Steve asked Hopper, who shook his head.

"Maybe when it was just Eddie we needed to save, but with two people to save, they'll want a say in what's done with them, since they both have powers."

"It's th-three," Bill said quietly, speaking for the first time since entering Hopper's house.


"It's three people we need to save," Stan said, speaking for Bill who obviously didn't want to talk. "Three that we know of, at least. We know El and Eddie, and we found someone else."

He showed them the file and the image of Georgie.

"Holy shit... Is that-" Stan cut off Richie before he could go into a rant and start yelling out curses at the adults.

"Yeah, it is." Stan turned to Hopper. "I know that you think we have no chance, but that's his brother. He's thirteen and he's being held by some psychotic scientist, so I don't give a shit if you come with us. We're going to save him."

Stan turned toward the door dragging Bill with him. The other losers were quick to follow until Hopper called out to them.

"Do you have a plan?" he asked, looking exhausted and disappointed in the group.

"Yep! The plan is to free Eds, El, and Georgie!" Richie called back, walking outside.

"Dammit," Hopper said, slamming his phone into his face. "Get in the truck."

The losers were pleased that Hopper decided to join them on their mission to save their friends, so they listened and climbed into the truck, not minding the tight squeeze in the back. Robin and Steve claimed they were going to help and followed in their car, but Joyce kept Mike and Will from taking off with the others.

They began to route to the third lab, since Hopper claimed that was the most reasonable place to go. As they began to drive, Richie kept silently praying that Eddie was okay.

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