Chapter 2

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait! Giving me some prompts will make my stories come out so much quicker.

Katie's POV

After Cameron was done tickling the hell out of me, I ran out of his room and downstairs as fast as my tiny legs would take me. I spotted my dad and brothers still eating breakfast and spot down in my original spot. I took a bite of my pancake, unfortunately it had gone cold by now. I saw Thomas smiling at me and I had no idea why. Was he plotting something? Going to tickle me?
"Why are you smiling at me?" I asked suddenly.
"Oh nothing. Just thought you were dead or something." He replied with a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Why would I be dead?" I asked.
"It just sounded like Cameron was murdering you. You were screaming so loud." He stated to me.
My other brothers started to chuckle while I rolled my eyes at them. And of course, right on cue, Cameron came strolling into the kitchen to find his car keys. I was praying to god that he hadn't heard my conversation with Thomas. He would have told all of my brothers that the reason I was screaming so loud was because he found a new tickle spot. I definitely couldn't risk them knowing. One person knowing is bad enough. Cameron found his keys and right before he left he came up behind me and whispered in my ear, "I heard the whole conversation princess and if you don't want me telling I expect a fresh, from scratch, batch of brownies ready for me when I get home." And with that, he walked out the front door, got into his car, and drove off.
I mean, baking brownies for him isn't the worst threat. He's actually made me do his laundry before, and clean his room! So annoying!
Once everyone had finished breakfast and cleaned up I got started on making the brownies. I heard some arguing coming from the gaming room so I am just assuming that they are playing video games in there. I was to lazy to make them from scratch, so I grabbed a brownie mix and hoped he wouldn't notice the difference.

Once the brownies were out of the oven and the kitchen was cleaned I sat down on the couch exhausted. I decided to turn on some Netflix and eat some popcorn.

A few hours later Cameron pulled up in his car and walked through the front door. 

"Hey Kit-Kat! Are my brownies ready?"

"In the kitchen you meanie!" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

He just rolled his eyes at me stuck his tongue out too.

I went back to watching my show when I heard Cameron say to himself, "ohhhh brownies!"

I rolled my eyes at his statement. Like what was he expecting? Something other than brownies?

He opened the trash can to spit his gum out when he say to brownie box mix.

He ran over to me and jumped straight over the couch. He pinned me to the couch with my arms by head which made me scream because he startled me.

"Why are you sitting on me? Your squishing me!" I yelled to him. Meanwhile the other boys are filing out from the game room to see what the commotion was all about. One by one they all plopped down on the couch to enjoy the entertainment they were about to be given.

"Okay Munchkin, lets get this straight. I told you to make the brownies from scratch."

"I did make them from scratch!" I lied.

"First of all, I can always tell when your lying. Second, I saw the box mix in the trash when I went to spit my gum out."

Darn! Why didn't I throw away the evidence! I thought to myself.

"Now that you haven't
followed my directions exactly I am going to tell everyone in this room about the new tickle spot I found this morning."

"No! Cameron don't!" I yelled at him.

My brothers surrounded me ready to find out in anticipation.

"Wyatt hold her arms." Cameron instructed him.

He did as he was told and held my arms while smiling innocently down at me. I just glared at him while trying to get out of his grip but it was no use.

"Now everyone listen up. All you have to do is touch the little baby munchkin right..."

He slowly lowered his hand. And boy was the anticipation killing me.

"Here!" He yelled and pressed down on the extremely sensitive patch of skin. I screamed and cackled so loud. Wyatt almost lost his grip on me because I was thrashing around so much. They were torturing me so much and couldn't beg for mercy because I was laughing way to hard.

They kept this us for what felt like forever. But when Cameron finally stopped he placed a kiss to my forehead. I love my brothers, even if they do torture me.

A/N: Again, please give me a prompt. It can be anything you want. Be as specific as you want. Comment want you think.

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