Chapter 14 - Cruelty

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Touka freed the two princes then she stares at the man with cold gaze, the man is begging for his life but she was too angry to forgive him. When she swings her sword, Ken stopped her and he told her that's enough. Touka doesn't say anything but then she swings her sword to clean up the blood on her sword and sheathes it.

"I'm sorry for coming late, Ken, Hide."

"Ugh, I thought we're gonna die here!", said Hide as he is hugging both Touka and Ken.

"By the way Touka, how did you find us?", asked Ken as he struggles in Hide's arms.

"I followed them by horse but it takes quite time since they abandon the carriage and this cottage is located in isolated place. I'm lucky can find you-"

Suddenly Touka quiets and she peeks from the window, she heard two men talking outside and she recognizes them; they're the men who kidnapped them. Touka gives the princes a sign to hide somewhere and they follow her instruction. Touka gouges the man whom she attacked earlier with cloth then she went hiding behind the door.

The two men opened the door and they rushed to their friend as they saw him has been tied, Touka hits them on their neck and they passed out meanwhile Ken and Hide immediately tied them down.

"Three person; two of them kidnapped you and that one...he is the coachman. I will hand over them to Tsukiyama right after they arrive here."

"They will come here?!?"

"I already leave them some clues that we're here but it's the matter of time they will find us."

Touka noticed the two prince are shivering, she brought two chairs near the fireplace then she told them to warm themselves first. Ken and Hide sit near the fireplace and they warm themselves meanwhile Touka is going to find some logs.  When she opened the door, suddenly she saw someone standing there and swing his hatchet to her. Touka blocked it but he kicked her stomach until she gets thrown out. She gets up then she paused as she saw the man took the two princes as his hostage. The man commands her to drop her sword down or something will happen to hostages as he pointing the hatchet on Ken's throat. Touka follows his order then she puts her hands up. 

"You. Are you the one who did this?", asked the man as he looking at his minions.

"...So what? All of you have committed crime to royal blood and it's unforgivable."

The man spits then he comes closer to her. As he stands in front of her, suddenly he hits Ken and Hide then he punches Touka in her stomach. Even Touka wears a thin armor right now, she can feel the pain when he punched her. Touka kneels on the floor then the man stomps her several times.


Ken get angry when he saw the man stomping and kicking Touka, he takes Touka's sword and he swings it to him. The man notices Ken then he hits the sword with his hatchet. Ken dropped the sword then the man punched him once again until he falls down.

"*sigh* A pampered weakling is gonna help her? You must be joking.", threatened him as he lifted his hatchet up.

As the man swing his hatchet to Ken, he heard Hide's screaming and he closed his eyes.'s over. So, my life will be ended here. At least, Touka can help Hide out of here. I'm sorry, father, mother, Hide, ...Touka.

But then, he felt something warm wrapping him and then something warm sprayed on his face. He opened his eyes and his eyes dilated as he saw Touka is protecting him with her own body. The hatchet broke the armor and teared her skin off, Ken screaming and he catched her in his arms.

"Touka! Touka! No! Please open your eyes! Oh God, please! Please!", begged Ken as he crying.

"Her? So, your knight is a woman. ...Ah, it reminds of something. Maybe...around two years ago? Something similar happened to a couple in east forest. They lived in a cottage and have a happy life, until their death. I totally forgot about the man but I still remember about the woman since she was really pretty! She had silver hair and a brave woman! But unfortunately, I accidentally killed her since she was protecting her husband. I love when I saw the man's reaction when he held his dead wife in his arms! And I remember~ the husband went crazy but he is so weak!"

"Couple in east forest?", asked Hide as he realized something.

When the man smirked, Ken and Hide burned in rage when the man admits what he did. Yes, he killed Touka and Ayato's parents. The man knelt down then he grabbed Touka's chin and lift her face up.

"Don't dare you touch her, you lowlife!", both Ken and Hide charged at him but they were beaten again.

"Such a nuisance. Well, that woman's similar with her?"

"Of course, she is similar with me. Because the people whom you killed was my parents.", answered Touka.

"You still alive? Ha! Tough as your mom! But it's useless, your sword is over there and you don't have any strength to fight me back!"

"Really? You know what? I'm already waiting for this. For you to come closer to me!"

Touka takes out a short blade from her sleeve and she stabbed it into the man's chest, he screaming and Touka stabbed him for several times. He fell down with her and Touka keep stabbing him.

"How does it feel like? Get stabbing like this? It's hurt, isn't it? Now can you feel what my parent went through?"

Both Ken and Hide dumbfounded as they saw Touka keep stabbing him, the man who keep resisting has stopped moving and his hands dropped down onto the floor. Even though he is already dead, Touka keep stabbing him and she cuts his throat.

"Not enough. It's not enough... I will snap all of your bones and I will dig out your organs and feed it to wild animals.", said Touka calmly.

"Touka, STOP!!! That's enough!! That's...enough! I don't want to see you become more horrible than this.", said Ken.

Touka stopped then she looked at Ken. The tears poured down to her cheek then Ken hugged her as he patting her head and trying to calm her down. Ken was looking at her injuries and he feels angry at himself because being weak. Not long after, they hear the door slam and their knights arrived.

"Prince Ken! Prince Nagachika! Are you okay?", asked Tsukiyama as he checked both of them.

"We are alright, Touka protected us. Those guys over there are the culprits."

Nishiki checks on them then he told Tsukiyama only three of them who still alive and the other one is already dead due blood loss. Tsukiyama confirmed his report then he commands his subordinates to capture those kidnappers. Tsukiyama approaches the two princes and telling them to follow them back to the castle.

"Alright, Tsukiyama. Touka, wake up. Tsukiyama and the others have arrived. Let's go see the doctor now."


"Touka? TOUKA?!"


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