Chapter 21 - Intruder

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Five days have passed and Ken became more cheerful than before since his feeling is requited. Even so, Touka still not neglect her duty as his knight; She also scolded him if he was too clingy to her everywhere. The rumor about them already spreading out within the palace even sometimes Touka bothered a bit with it.

On the next morning, Touka knocked Ken's door and told him to wake up. After ten minutes, there are no any sign that he awakes from his sleep. Touka excused herself and she awoke the prince directly, she called his name several times and he won't wake up. She doesn't have any choice but to force him to wake up. She pulled his blanket but then Ken pulled it back until Touka fell onto him. Touka blushed as Ken hugged her like a cat.

"Your Highness?! What are you doing?! Wake up, the sun has risen up!"

"Don't call me that~ What are you trying to tell me? Are you telling me to do photosynthesis?"

"Photosynthesis? What are you talking about? The king and queen had summoned us right now!"

Ken awoke as he mumbling then he teased Touka by stripping in front of her. Touka blushed and she bolted out of the room. After he had done changing, Touka told him not joking around and they should immediately meet his parents. As they reached the throne room, both of them greeted the king and queen. They also noticed there are King Masataka and Princess Rize in the room. 

"Prince Kaneki Ken, Princess Kamishiro Rize, I'm here to tell you something. About your last action, you're pretty bold for rebelled us. Also regarding to princess's question, I still choose my wife even she is a commoner, that's my answer. About your wedding, I and King Masataka approved to annul it and we will make unification with another way. Both of you will declare it tomorrow, when Prince Ken's birthday party. Also, for Kirishima Touka... I won't oppose your relation with my son anymore because my son seems really loves you. But, you're still his knight and that's why...I want you to protect him always."

"Your Majesty, thank you for your kindness. I won't forget it and I promise, I will protect him.", said Touka as she kneeled in front of them.

"Also, the whole royal families within this kingdom already know about your relationship with prince but not everyone can't accept it easily. That's why, you need to be strong."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you for your concern."

They were dismissed then Prince Ken, Touka, and Princess Rize walked out from the room.

"I'm glad it's working. I pray for your happiness, Prince Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka. I hope we can be friends in the future.", said Rize.

"You too, Princess Kamishiro Rize. I hope you will be happy too."

After Princess Rize left both of them, Ken held Touka's hand and they walked together at the hallway. Suddenly Nishiki came and he told Touka that Tsukiyama called her for report. Touka asked permission to leave first then she together with Nishiki leave Ken alone at hallway.

Ken pouted when Nishiki snatched her then he headed to library. When he is going to pass the king and queen's chamber, he saw a boy. He is really thin and he is wearing male servant clothes, but he looked suspicious since he was wandering near royal family's chamber.

"Boy, what are you doing here?!"

The boy spooked and he turned to Ken who called him suddenly.

"P-Please forgive me, I-I got lost! I'm new here and I was separated with others."

"...But you're too young to be here."

"M-Mama and papa were merchants and they were killed when we were on journey. Only I who survived."

The boy crying and he reminded Ken of Touka and Ayato when they were kids. Ken calmed him down then he brought him to servants's room. The boy thanked the prince, Ken waved him goodbye then he turned his back away from the boy. As he walked away, he didn't realize the boy was staring at him while smirking.

"What a foolish prince.", whispered the boy.

In the middle of his way, Ken was wondering how could the boy was there even though there are several guards near the king's chamber. Ken spent his day with studying at library and after dinner, Ken walked out from dining room and he saw Touka at hall. He sneaked behind her but suddenly Touka turned around and made him startle. Touka smiled when she saw his surprised expression and he blushed while looking at her face. Ken held Touka's hand and he keep touching her ring finger while smiling, but then he remembered what happened early noon and he told her about it. Touka promised him to investigate it then she glanced to the corner of the room. Suddenly Ken pulled her towards him and he kissed her.

"I love you, Touka."

"Um... Me too. I love you, Ken.", said Touka and they kissed once again. They separated then Touka told him good night before she left him. Ken entered his chamber and he lay down on his bed while touching his lips. He blushed as Touka's words keep repeating inside his mind. Meanwhile Touka went to meet Tsukiyama and she reported it to him. Tsukiyama get confused about it and he decided to add more guards near the king and queen's chamber.


Everyone already sleep at midnight since tomorrow is a big day and the castle really quiet. Ken slept soundly at that night and suddenly he awoke when someone covered his mouth. He struggled and tried to call Touka but that hands won't budge at all. As his eyes adapting within the darkness, he slowly noticed the little figured who covered his mouth; it's the boy who he met early.

"Good evening Prince Ken, are you surprised? I'm here to give you my gift as your birthday present."

He took out his knife then he lifted it right above Ken's chest.

"Happy birthday foolish prince~ And goodbye."


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