Chapter 4

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He let his eyelids droop, and curled his fingers around mine. I was as still as a statue, crouched over his slender figure. My tail swept across the floor with impatience.

He seems so breakable.

My breath escaped my lungs in a huff. I released my grip but my hand did not retreat. Instead, my fingertips touched upon the bruise at his cheek. He winced, yet didn't pull away. Someone periodically hurts this boy. 

Now I'm hurting him too.

There was something in his features that reminded me of someone. A feeling of anguish twisted inside me. My face was burdened with puzzlement. I took a slow breath.


All of a sudden, I felt something rub against my leg and I jolted towards it too fast. I had a sharp pain stab into my side. I hissed and clutched it, pulling away from him. He stood up and left the room without a word.

The pain was nearly too much to bare. I doubled over on my knees until my forehead pressed against the floor.

"Oh dear. That bad?"

His hand touched my back.

I grunted.

My eyes snapped to the sound of the boy's voice. He shuffled around. His hands were filled with medical supplies. He wore a kind smile that reached his eyes. 

"Need help sitting on the bed?" He asked in a gentle tone. 
With great effort, I sat back on my heels. Still protectively holding my bleeding middle.

Seven hells, my head felt ready to split in two.


He approached me more timidly this time.

"Now, be nice. I'm trying to help you," He warned.

A pang of guilt tightened my throat.


He hummed and pulled me to my feet.  As weak as I was, I had as much grace as a newborn fawn.

It was a cat that caused this. It sat at my feet, staring and purring at me. I growled at it. The cat payed no mind. Instead, it crawled into my lap and continued to stare at me intently. I begrudgingly stroked it's tiny head. 

"I see the cat likes you."

In this warm, little room, a gentle calmness settled naturally around him.
His back was to me as he almost gracefully flitted about, fumbling for things.

From the set of his shoulders to the way he stood, even the in way he tilted his head. He bore such a haunting resemblance.

"Am I.." I began dryly, my throat feeling suddenly parched.

"Am I dead?"

His hands paused, hovering over a bottle of something that burned my nose.

He turned to me. Those stranger's eyes holding me captive on a whim. I found myself wanting to focus on the familiar blue of his left.

"No," He said. A strained smile pulled the corner of his lips.

"But you certainly gave it your best shot. Thought I'd lose you for a moment there, but I'm proud of you for sticking around."

My stomach twisted.

"Pardon. It is simply, you look like.. someone."

This feels awkward. He was kneeling between my legs as he dressed my wound, leaning heavily on my thigh. Dipping a cloth in a basin of warm water, he rang it out and dabbed the blood off my skin. I warily watched him work. When he stitched it shut, he kept pressing against my crotch. 

"Thank goodness you only popped three. I know it hurts."

His delicate eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as he chewed his bottom lip. The cat sat at my side with it's eyes closed, beads of drool trickled down it's chin. 

What an odd creature. 

I closed my eyes as well and focused on the birds outside, happily singing to no one in particular. I could pick up the faint sent of strawberries and honey comb that seemed to be lingering on everything, it was a calming smell. One I recognized by heart. My mind wondered to the puzzling fragments of the day before. A single question plagued my thoughts. Why?

The pain that violently thrummed was slowly subsiding. The boy worked in quick silence. I don't know how much time past, but I snapped out of my daze once he finished wrapping my torso in gauze. 

"All done."

I opened my eyes to see him smiling up at me. 

"Um.. What is your name?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.


I don't want him to call me by something as hideous as my given name. My father's name.

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared down at where he sat on the floor. 

"My name is not to be given to humans." I kept my voice low and careful. 


He looked to be a little saddened by that. 

"Then, what will I call you?" He gazed into my eyes in anticipation. 


I huffed and looked away with a slight pout. "You may address me however you please, I care not for such trivial matters."  

He lit up with joy, but then bit his lip, thinking. Standing slowly, he placed his small hands on my shoulders. He stared at me in what seemed to be curiosity.  I mimicked the tilt of his head.

"Then, I will call you..."


His hands were soft on my shoulders. 

Azrael. I repeated it in my mind. How lovely.

"Its... Acceptable."

He let out a tiny giggle.


Walking away with the explanation of going to make some breakfast, he stop in the doorway. 

"Oh, I almost forgot,"

He turned back to me with a playful grin.

"My name is Gabriel. Lets be friends, Yeah?" 


His name is Gabriel.

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