Chapter 10

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Gabriel POV

H-he saved me. I stumbled away from the offender and clutched myself tightly, shaking uncontrollably. My eyes met his and I caved for a brief  moment, he looked me over with such concern. Then he turned to the man and his entire demeanor changed, his face was darkened with rage and something dangerous hung heavy in the air. Azrael's fingers started squeezing the man's throat until he began to choke. He clawed at his hand while his red face pleaded with him. Azrael's eyes blazed with a red-hot fury. This took me by surprise. I had never seen him like this, even when he had lashed out at me during our first meeting, it wasn't like this.

This scared me... Yet, I don't think he could ever scare me.

In making himself terrifying, it was as if he'd thrown a protective shield over me. I backed away and pressed myself against the doors. The man looked to me, contorting his face into a grimace. He took in a strained breath. 

"Get yer dog off'a me, ya f*ckin' fag !" He hissed through his teeth.

I shrank away. Just then, the train stopped and the doors opened. I fell back and hit the platform. It knocked the wind out of me, but I scrambled to my feet as quickly as I could. Azrael stepped through the doors, yanking the man with him. He stretched out his free hand toward me and gently placed it on the small of my back. He walked slowly yet deliberately.

He shoved the man hard enough that he toppled over and herded us up the stairs into the sunlight. 

There were few clouds in the sky, the pressure of the packed tunnel loosened up a little bit when I felt a soft breeze play with my hair. My shoulders released their tension and I clutched the sleeve of Azrael's shirt. It was one of my father's old, red flannels, he'd rolled the sleeves up to his elbows; exposing his strong, powerful looking forearms. The twisting, thorny, briar sprig wrapping around his right arm was in full light. 

I glanced up at him, half expecting the hard expression to still be masking his angelic face. Yet I was surprised to find his head tipped back, eyes closed, inhaling deeply through his nose; filling his lungs to the brim. He was smiling. 

His smile was so beautiful.

I guess he has a hard time in large crowds  as well.   

Azrael exhaled with a huff of relief. Then he turned and looked down at me, his eyes studying whatever expression I was making. His long, elegant fingers gently traced and pressed upon the areas the man touched. Checking me. Taking and lifting my hand to meet his now softened face, his lips grazed my skin as he spoke.

"Are you alright, Gabriel?" His voice was like the deep resounding of an ancient bell, but his tone was hushed and careful. 

Well, that man was rough enough with me to where there would definitely be bruises. I would hate to imagine what might have happened to me if I had been alone. What that man might have done to me if Azrael hadn't been there. Ice ran through my veins as I came to the horrifying  realization that that was a very dangerous situation for someone as weak as me to be in. 

I pulled my hand from him and wrapped my arms around myself, tipping forward and hiding my face in his chest. I felt him tense for a moment, then he relaxed and placed a comforting hand at the back of my head. I nuzzled my forehead against him and wiggled underneath his unbuttoned, flannel shirt to press myself closer against him. 

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