Liam | 27

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Hey Liam 😊

Hey Zayn 😋 what's up ?

Oh not much , just
wanted to check up on
you , I saw you and
Harry were together

       Haha yeah we just
          randomly bumped
into each other and he
invited me to hang out

Yeah , you enjoyed
yourself ?

              Oh yeah he's a pretty
  cool lad , I see why
you're good friends

Yeah he's a total
dork 😅

He's lovely 😊

Oh , I'm sure you
know all about being

Why'd you say
that ? 🙈

I mean because
you're lovely

Aw Zayn you're
too sweet

Just being honest 🤷🏻‍♂️
but I also wanted to
know if you'll be busy
next week ?

Um , well I have a
show next week so
I'm doing my last fitting
and some rehearsing with
the other models but that's
not going to take up all
my time

May I ask why ?

Well next week I'm
flying to London for
some press interviews
but im going to stay
the week , thought you
may want to hang out

I really enjoyed my time
with you

Well I really enjoyed
your company too , I'll be
happy to hang out with
you again

When exactly will you
be here ?

I'm flying over on
Tuesday and staying
until Sunday night

Ok cool that works for
me the show would be on
Friday so I'll have the
weekend off

Actually , would you
like to come see me at
the show ?

You don't have to if it's
not your thing

You know Liam it would
be a pleasure to see you

Great so I'll see
you then

Take care love 😘


+          +          +

hey lovelies , hope you enjoyed , sorry for the wait. I was busy studying for my criminal law exam. I hope to put up more chapters soon. Thank you for being patient with me !

also hope youre enjoying Harry's comeback and the boy's new stuff. 

all the love, sandy x. 

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