Zayn | 44

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Mrs. Bieber 👰🏼

Hey Hailey, how are you? How's NYFW?

Hey Z! I'm super excited. A lot of work behind the scenes but the first week is always to easiest lol

Glad to hear that.

Listen, I wanted to surprise Li but I need your help

Aw cute, count me in, what can I do? 👀

I know that you guys are doing the same shows this whole 4 weeks right?

Yeah, we do

Great! Alright, I know that you guys are super busy during the week but is there any time that I could possibly surprise Liam?

I really want him to listen to a song on my album before it comes out

OMG you wrote him a song? He's really special then huh? 🤧🥺

He really is, he makes me feel like I can be myself without judgement

I'm so happy for you too, he's been really happy since you too made it official

He was so excited to tell me how romantic it all was

It makes me so happy to hear that Hails

When are you planning to show him the song?

Next week we'll be in London

That's fine, I can fly in, I have a few weeks off

I would say that on the last week of London Fashion Week would be best

We usually have a celebratory dinner with the other models and staff but I'm sure you guys can get some time then

Perfect, I'll fly in and hope that no one sees me so that'll be a surprise for him

I'll try and distract him that day, we'll be pretty busy anyway

You're the best! Thank you, and good luck this week 💗

Thank you Z! See you soon ☺️

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