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Ziam support group

King Kylie 🖤
Hey guys, Kendall and I decided to create this group chat because of the picture of Z and Li that just came out

Kenny 💕
How are you guys? This must suck 😔

Babe ❤️😍
We didn't even know that there were paps there

Hazza 💚
Aw Liam, I'm sorry this happened to you guys

Thanks for checking in girls, means a lot

Babe ❤️😍
Yeah I appreciate this

Lou 💙
What do you guys plan on doing now?

Well Li and I talked and we think that we'll just ignore it, for now, we had a chat with our managers and they basically told us that whatever we feel comfortable with we should do.

Gigi 🥰
I'm glad you guys have the support of your managers at least

Niall Horan
Yeah, and you guys have our support as well

Shawn Mendes
Do you guys plan to address it at some point? I'm sure that the fans will want answers

Babe ❤️😍
Well basically our plan is to continue with our relationship the way it is, I mean the picture basically confirms it. We want to tell the fans but not just yet.

Hails 💟
You guys took this better than expected

Well what is done is done, not much we can do about it now

Jay 😎
That's true, don't stress on it too much, the fans are supportive, I saw some were upset the picture came out

Ari 😻
They understand privacy that's why

Yeah, they're the best.

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