Ziam | 56

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The release of Zayn's latest album had been a success, the singer has gotten many praises from his fans and people in the industry. His phone had not stopped buzzing from the many messages of congratulations he has received. Zayn has decided that he'll get back to everyone tomorrow, for now, he wanted to enjoy his time with his friends and colleagues who were there to celebrate with him. The release party was being held in a nightclub in New York.

Currently, Zayn was close to the sitting area talking with Harry and Louis, of course, Liam was right next to him. The couple has been inseparable since the moment they made it Instagram official. Both Liam and Zayn agreed they would not log on to social media that night, they were a little afraid of negative reactions and they also didn't want anything to ruin such an important night for Zayn.

On the way into the nightclub, a few paparazzi had been standing outside ready to photograph the celebrities making their way inside. This release party was one of the hottest parties of the night in the city and they could not miss the opportunity of photographing the high profile celebrities. The announcement of Zayn and Liam's relationship was also a big factor, everyone wanted a photo of the hottest new couple.

It is a couple of hours into the party and most people are either drunk or tipsy. Harry and Louis were laughing and drinking together by the bar, Niall and Shawn had joined them in conversation, none of them really drunk. Kylie and Gigi, on the other hand, had been drinking quite a lot and were honestly pretty drunk. The two had been dancing all night with Kendall and Hailey. Justin and Ariana were on the edge of the dance floor with Zayn and Liam before they decided to join the girls on the dance floor leaving the couple alone.

Both Liam and Zayn were sober for the most part, having a few drinks throughout the night. Liam put his arms around Zayn's neck while his boyfriend hugged his waist smiling at him. They both leaned into a kiss, Liam could feel Zayn's smile making him smile too.

"I'm so happy," said Zayn, kissing Liam once again.

"I'm happy too, I'm really proud of you Z," Liam said, playing with the hair on the back of Zayn's head.

The couple was in comfortable silence, just enjoying being in each other's embrace. Liam with his head on Zayn's shoulder, occasionally giving his boyfriend neck kisses.

"What if we were to just ditch the party and go back to mine?"

Liam quickly picked his head up, parting slightly from Zayn.

"We can't, it's your party, people would wonder where you are," Liam said.

"Everyone is far too drunk to care plus, no one has come up to me in the past hour, everyone is enjoying themselves too much to notice."

Liam thought about it, looking around and noticing that most people were in fact drunk.

"Okay, let's go then," Liam finally agrees.

Zayn had quickly left a text message to the group chat, telling them that they will be leaving early so as to not worry them later.

Outside, paparazzi were waiting to photograph the partygoers leaving, wondering if they would get an exclusive if someone left together or super drunk. The couple was instantly met with blinding flashes before security escorted them to their car, with Zayn's driver getting them safely to Zayn's apartment building. On the elevator ride up to the apartment, Liam had his back to Zayn's chest and the singer had his arms tightly wrapped around the model's waist. Zayn was kissing Liam's neck making him giggle because Zayn's beard tickles his skin.

Soon enough the elevator had stopped on Zayn's floor and the couple made their way to the apartment hand in hand. Zayn used a code to unlock his front door, holding it open for Liam to step into the entrance hallway. Liam took off his shoes which felt stuffy after being on his feet for most of the day. Zayn copied his actions before helping Liam take off his coat and hanging it along with his own.

"Would you like anything to drink babe?" Zayn said, being a good host.

"Water is just fine," Liam smiled, he had enough drinks for the night.

Zayn had walked them both to his kitchen, Liam had taken a seat on one of the stools under the kitchen island while Zayn filled up a glass of water for him.

"Here you go," Zayn said, placing the glass of water on a coaster for Liam who thanked him and drank half of it in one go.

Zayn decided to make himself tea and while the kettle heated up the water, the couple immersed themselves in light conversation, laughing at some of the crazy antics of their friends. On one of their nights out, Niall had gone to the bar to get himself a drink and on his way back to the booth everyone was at, a couple, while dancing had bumped into him making him spill some of his drink on the ground causing him to slip and fall right on his bum. Everyone at the booth had said "oh no Niall!" after watching everything unfold before their eyes, causing everyone to laugh.

Of course, Shawn being the good boyfriend he is immediately went to him and helped him up and brought him to the booth to clean up with the napkins on the table. Niall was quickly over it and laughing about the incident with all his friends. The couple that caused the accident had felt terrible about it and bought everyone at the booth drinks. The booth had gotten pretty rowdy because of it, the guys clapping his back for getting them free drinks, and the girls cheering for him. It was quite a spectacle since it is rather obvious everyone in that booth could very well afford to buy drinks for the whole night club if they desired. It had been one of the few nights the two friend groups could get together and enjoy themselves, forget about the fame for a few hours.

After many laughs and Zayn's teacup now empty, Liam and Zayn were now on the balcony looking out at the New York skyline, this time Liam was the one hugging Zayn from behind.

"I'm really proud of you Z," he said kissing his temple and bringing a smile to the singer's face.

"Thank you baby, I'm so glad you could make it tonight," Zayn said, turning around to face Liam.

"Of course, how could I not, it's your big day," Liam responded.

"I'm really happy we met," said Zayn caressing Liam's cheek with his right hand. The action making Liam blush and smile wide.

"I'm glad we meet too," the model said before kissing the singer.

Zayn brought their bodies together, deepening the kiss. They felt themselves becoming more needy, wanting to be closer to each other. Liam pulled away from the kiss, taking Zayn's hand and directing him to the bedroom where he gently pushed Zayn on the bed. Zayn used his elbows to hold his upper body up as Liam straddled him, Liam's knees touching his hips.

"I want to show you how you make me feel," Liam said, attaching his lips to Zayn's own. It caught Zayn by surprise but he quickly got over it as Liam engulfed his mind and all of his senses for the rest of the night.

.          .          .

um... sorry for the long wait. Honestly, I've lost inspiration for this but I do want to finish it. I'll try my best to continue to upload but school has me busy (can't believe it's my 3rd year in uni). Anyway, sorry if the following updates are slow. 

Hope you're all staying safe and if you're 18 or older, I hope you're registered to vote and have your voting plan ready!  

all the love, sandy xx

(Not edited). 

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