Before we continue...

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As you all may be aware, there were far more important things for me to put my focus on rather than on updating this fic. I have taken my time away from Wattpad to educate myself, and on having those hard and uncomfortable conversations with my family. I have been active on my private social media sharing educational posts with my family and friends. No matter how big or small your platform may be, at least sharing it with one person can make a difference. 

This is not a matter of politics but a human rights issue. As a member of the Latinx community, I realize that there is a lot of racism and colorism within my community. This usually is a result of not being educated but it's no longer an excuse. We have the ability to go online and look for reliable resources on these topics. 

Yes, signing petitions and making donations makes a huge difference but so does educating yourself. We have to analyze ourselves and make the change within ourselves, it may be hard and uncomfortable but this is a fight the black community has been in for many generations. Having privilege itself is not evil, what you do with it makes the difference.

As you may or may not know, I'm a college student and it took me getting there to learn about the issues in the black community. I am a criminal justice major and the Black Lives Matter movement has inspired me to be better and do better. To defend black lives even when no one is watching, even when it's not "trendy" because the day Black lives matter, then ALL lives will matter. 

I can't tell you how many frustrating conversations I've had with my parents and even some friends but I'm not giving up on educating them. I also want to help you guys so I'll have a link on my page with different resources you can read. One also has films you can watch as I know some of us are visual learners. I also know that not everyone has access to streaming services so the following website you guys can use to watch the films:

To my black readers,

I hope that I have not offended you in any way. If I said something offensive or incorrectly, please tell me and I will correct myself. I'm not great at expressing/ explaining myself so I apologize. 

I stand with you and I'll fight for you. BLACK LIVES MATTER

all the love, sandy x

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