ch 4

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shivaay ji!  She called him taking him out from his dreamland! 

Anika you must be tired so sleep in your room! He smiled! 

She smiled

Good night!  He said

What's that?  She asked! 

We say good night so that the person for whom we care gets good sleep without any stress!  Come I will explain you!  Shivaay said and sat with the her on sofa! 

According to the myths People say good night because in pre modern times people died in their sleep and this expression was one of the parting as if from a journey from one might not return!  Traditionally individuals and families prayed before sleep and these prayers often contained an invocation referring to the possiblity of death before waking!  In our time there is no reasoning behind this but it has become pleasantry and perhaps people wish good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night according to the time zones!  He completed his lecture on "Good night " but he was shocked to see anika sleeping on his shoulder!

Uff shivaay I guess you have bored her alot!  He whispered!

He picked her up and went to dadi's room to make her sleep and he went after pecking her forehead lovingly!

At midnight
anika woke up and found no one beside her and it was dark all around! 

She quickly ran out of the room being scared!  She was finding the way to go down but Oberio mansion was not less than any maze!  She was panicking and started crying!  She was running here and there to find someone! 

Amma!  Shivaay ji!  Someone help! She cried! 
Suddenly While running she fall with Thudh sound! 

He woke up feeling something bad happened with his loved ones! He dialed Dadi's ,OM's and Rudhr and priyanka's number and sighed in relief after hearing their well being! 

He was about to sleep again but he thought to see annika ones! 

He went to dadi's room but didn't found her!  He became panicked and started finding her in nearby rooms, bathroom, downstairs! 

On the other side anika somewhat got up and started moving but she again fall near a room ! 

shivaay ordered Khanna to turn on the lights of mansion! 
Shivaay  decided to again check upstairs! 

He went to his room because he heard his phone ringing! He was shocked beyond limit to find her crying bitterly near his room! 

Anika!  He quickly hugged her!
She cried hugging him! 

He picked her up while hugging only !  And both laid on bed!  She was clinging on him like a baby! He was too scared to let her go! 

Shivaay ji it was all dark!  I don't sleep alone!  I was so scared!  She cried! 

Shhhhh calm down now I am here ! Shivaay consoled her! 

They both slept hugging each other tightly! 

Next morning! 

Shivaay got up and saw her sleeping  over him!  He saw her dry tears marks and cursed himself for leaving her alone! 

But a new kind of confusion was emerging in his heart!  She was kiddish and was different from other girls!  Her body was developed but her mind was still innocent like a 10 years old baby! He wanted to Know about her past!

He parted himself from her and went for a shower!  Again the maid whom Priyanka has given the responsibility came and make annika ready! 

Shivaay brought breakfast for annika and feed her!  After that he went to office after telling the maid To take care of annika! 

at office too he was not able to concentrate!  He finally decided to go to her house and find about her past! 

It was difficult to find her house as when he had went their earlier it was dark but somehow he reached their! 

The house was not good at all!  There were not many things just few of the kitchen utensils, a trunk, a bunk and two bed sheets! 

He opened the trunk and found a 2 saare's!  A few pictures and a diary!

The pictures were of a little baby and a old woman!  He smiled after realising that the little baby is his jaan!  jaan it was too new to him!  He never experinced such feelinga in his life!  He was a cruel man who had 0% feelings for anyone! 

he picked the diary and a letter fall from it!  He picked the letter and started reading it! 

To be continued

Precape - Truth 😔😔😔

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