7: Clint

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Sorry in advance for the length but I got kinda carried away like always. This one got so long that the next chapter will be split between Clint and Logan in order to continue Clint's perspective for the next part. Which will be exciting, regardless I hope you enjoy it.

The picture above is Clint in Avengers(2012) and is probably one of the coolest Hawkeye shots in that movie. You can really see those arm muscles...and I like me some arm muscles. God bless you Jeremy Renner.

I had an arrow trained on the strange figure the entire time that he hugged Logan. There was something odd about him that I didn't like and it was messing with me. I normally had an open mind when it came to strangers but this man was different.

"Who's this?" I inquired, lowering the bow ever so slightly.

Logan pulled back from the stranger and turned to me, a wide grin on her face.

"Of course, I completely forgot that you were here," she informed, a grin on her face. "This is Leonard Green, my older brother. But don't you ever call him Leonard, it's always been Leo."

I raised a brow at the guy but put my bow away, deciding that I could trust him. I even went as far as holding out a hand in greeting. Leo smiled and shook my hand, my skin prickling at his touch. I glanced up at him and stepped back, in shock, at the sight of his eyes. They were dark red instead of grey and glowing in that menacing way.

He was like Logan and was trying to mind control me or worse. I brushed a hand against my throat which was bruised on the account of Danny trying to kill me. I didn't trust people with powers that used them against other people. And it seemed as though Leo was one of those people.

"You can't mind control me," I muttered and stepped back even further, notching an arrow. "Your sister already tried that and she decided not to kill me when it didn't work."

Logan's eyes widened and she pulled Leo back with a bit of telekinesis before standing in front of me.

"What the hell, Leo?" Logan shouted and glared daggers at her brother, who looked thoroughly offended.

"I just wanted to make sure that you're hanging out with the right crowd," he sneered and glared right back at Logan. "For all I know this guy could turn around and try to kill you. And now we both have no idea of knowing if that's true or not."

Logan growled in annoyance and moved back so she was right beside me. I looked over at her with a grin which she returned and placed a hand on my shoulder. Leo eyed us with mild curiosity while Logan grinned wide at her brother.

"I trust him with my life," she informed and moved her hand down to mine before giving it a squeeze. "And you can to." Leo nodded begrudgingly and I could tell that he still didn't trust me but he sure trusted his sister. Which was better than nothing in my books. "Now, what happened to you? I saw your dead body in a coffin over twenty years ago. What changed? How are you alive?"

Leo sighed and made his way over to the foyer of the hotel and plopped down on a mattress. I followed and sat next to Logan, readying myself to hear his story. It was definitely gonna be an interesting one.

"That boy they found was a fake and the crash did kill people, just not me," Leo informed and Logan nodded, solemnly. "After that I'm guessing we have similar stories. I was taken to the Red League in California located just outside of LA and trained as both an assassin and a guard. The LA iteration of the Red League specializes in males so the powers are a tad bit different. I can read minds and control them but have the ability of super strength and endurance instead of telekinesis.

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