Chapter 5

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                           Jimin's pov
             The next few years have been ok. I still haven't talked. I quit thinking yoongi was gonna come back. I still miss him, but I'm living with Jin and his now husband namjoon. They got married 2 years ago.
        Jungkook was out with his boyfriend tae. They met a while ago when kook was working at the cafe. He still does. I work at a dance studio with my friend hoseok.
         I got up and got ready to go to work. I took my shower and brushed my hair. I grabbed my keys and headed out. The August air felt cold against my cheek. Hoseok met me outside with a cigarette in his hand. I frowned and walked up to him.
He noticed my frown and put his cigarette out. "I know chim. But it's ok." I shook my head and walked in with him by my side. All of our students were stretching and talking. "Alright class. Time to get started." 
Yoongi's pov
              I sat in the tattoo parlor getting a dragon on my back. It felt like tiny needles poking my back, but I didn't mind. "Alright. Keep the plastic on it until it heals. It should only take 2 weeks." I nodded and headed out. My recently died hair messed up as the wind blew in my face.
      I headed home and sighed. Holly rushed up to me wagging his tail. I set my keys in the bowl by the door and felt my phone vibrate. My mother texted me that our cat had kittens and she couldn't take care of them all. A certain kitten caught my attention. A small calico.
I drove over to my moms and picked up the small kitten. "Yoongi-ah! Take a kitten to namjoon. I'm sure he would love one." I smiled and picked up a tan kitten. She had bright blue eyes and white spots all over.
I headed over to namjoon and Jin's place. It was about 4 or 5 so he should be home. As soon as I got there, I saw a car I've never seen before. It was a pastel pink mustang with white strips going up the middle.
I knocked on the door softly and heard Jin's laugh through the door. He opened it and smiled widely when his eyes landed on the kitten. "Come in come in." He stepped aside, so I stepped in. Two people sat on the couch. Namjoon and another I didn't know, or at least thought I didn't know.
"What have we here?" Jin asked with excitement. "Kittens. She's for you." I gently placed the kitten in his lap and watched as his smile got even bigger. Namjoon smiled as well. "Great. Another tiny thing in the house." He joked. I'm guessing it was for the unknown boy sitting beside him. The boy hit his arm softly.
I cradled the calico in my arms, but kept my eyes on the boy. "Yoongi-ah? How old is she?" Namjoon asked. The boy looked at me with wide eyes. Tears threatened to roll down his porcelain lips. "Just a couple days."
       The boy tugged at namjoon's sleeve, as if to tell him something. He used sign language though. Namjoon's face turned serious and he just nods to him. "Ah. Um. Yoongi. This is jimin. You might know him?"
     My heart almost bursted out of my chest. I set the cat down and hugged him tightly. Tears fell from my eyes. "Chimmy. I never thought I'd see you again. Why didn't you tell me you lived with namjoon and Jin hyung?" He nuzzled his head into my neck as he made my no sound.
    It confused me at the time. "Talk to me chim." I lifted his chin. Jin frowned and looked down. He shook his head and shut his eyes. I looked to namjoon. "He's a mute." His words broke my heart. I let go of chin and hugged him tighter.
I kissed the top of his head and heard Jin and namjoon aw. I held jimin close to me for a while. Forgetting the world even existed. "Jimin? Why don't you take yoongi-hyung to your room so you two can catch up." Jimin nodded and grabbed my hand. I picked Cali up and followed jimin.
We sat on his bed and smiled at each other. He ran his fingers through the kittens fur. "Tell me what happened.. when we were little. You said not to worry." The tears came back as he got a piece of paper. I looked at him as he wrote. The lead in the pencil breaking ever so often.
As soon as he was done he held the paper out to me. I read the words and felt my heart break with every one.
To be continued 😉

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