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It has been two hours. 118 are just returning from a house fire call. Eddie walks to the quiet room and sees that Estelle is curled up on the sofa, asleep. He gets a blanket from the corner of the room and drapes it over her. He strokes her head and sits down on the sofa with her. He sighs, gets his phone out of his pocket and brings up and number he's been saving. He dials the number and puts the phone to his ear. After a few minutes, the person on the other end answers.

'Los Angeles Rehabilitation Facility, how may I help?


It's the end of Eddie's shift. He gets changed before walking to the quiet room. Estelle is sat up on the sofa scrolling through her phone. He clears his throat. Estelle looks up at him. 

'You ready?' He asks her.

'Yeah.' She nods as she stands up. She walks up to him. Eddie holds his hand out. 

'Phone.' He tells her. 

'Come on.' Estelle scoffs. 'I only went to a party.' 

'Yeah, and you did drugs.' Eddie raises an eyebrow. 'Phone.' Estelle ignores him. 'Now.' Estelle sighs and gives him her phone. 'We're going to make a quick stop before picking Christopher up from Abuela's.' Estelle nods. 'Let's go.' They both walk out of the station, to the car, get in and put their seatbelts on. Once they're strapped in, Eddie starts the drive. 

Fifteen minutes later, Eddie is pulling up in front of a building. Estelle looks out of the window and reads the sign. She angrily looks at Eddie. 

'Rehab?!' She exclaims. 'Dad, I don't need rehab! I'm not an addict.' 

'Look,' Eddie starts with a sigh, 'it's just for a week or two.' 

'I'll check you in then I'll go home and pack you a bag.' Eddie says. 'Rehab isn't just for addicts, Essie. It's for people that want to stop using drugs or alcohol. If don't want to do it for yourself, do it for Christopher.' Estelle looks out of the window and thinks for a few moments. 

'Fine.' Estelle says quietly. She looks back at Eddie. 'I'll do it.' They both take their seatbelts off, get out of the car and walk up into the facility. When they walk in, Eddie motions for Estelle to sit in a chair in the waiting area. Estelle does so and he walks up to the desk. The receptionist looks up at him. 

'How can I help?' They ask. 

'I called last night about checking my daughter in.' Eddie states.

'Ah.' The receptionist nods. 'Mr Diaz? You called about your daughter, Estelle.' Eddie nods. The receptionist types something into her computer before looking back up at Eddie. 'If you take a seat, the facility director will be out as soon as he can.' Eddie nods and sits in the chair next to Estelle. He sees that she looks anxious. 

'Hey, it's okay.' Eddie assures her. 'You're going to be safe here. I promise.' Estelle stays silent. 'I'll bring Christopher to see you when you're allowed to have visitors.' 

'What are you going to tell him.' Estelle asks. 'He's going to want to know where I am and why.' 

'I'll just tell him that you're staying somewhere to get better or you're staying with some friends.' Eddie replies. 'I'll figure something out.' There are a few moments of silence. 'You realise that I had no choice  in getting you in here, right?' He asks her. 'You're nearly 18, Essie. You can get into any college you want if you just try. Once you reach 18, the police won't be bringing you home. They'll be taking you to a cell.' Estelle looks at him. 'I'm just trying to do what's best for you.' 

'I know.' She nods. 'It's what parents do.' Just then, a tall man with greying hair walks out into the waiting room and up to Eddie and Estelle. 

'Mr Diaz?' He asks. Both Eddie and Estelle stand up. 'I'm Dr Mason Hensley. I'm the director of the facility.' He introduces himself as he shakes their hands. 'If you follow me, we can talk in my office.' They both follow Mason through to his office. He sits down in his chair and they both sit the other side of the desk. Mason looks at Eddie. 'I know you wanted Essie to be placed in the two-week programme, however, we've just introduced a new protocol where we evaluate the patient and go from there.' He then looks at Essie. 'Estelle, when was the last time-' 

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