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It has been a few weeks.  Eddie and Christopher have visited Estelle whenever they can. Buck and Isabel have also taken Christopher to see Estelle on a couple of occasions. Estelle is sat in the dayroom doing some schoolwork she was sent when Lukas, the nurse, walks up to her.

'Essie.' He starts. Estelle immediately tenses up before looking at him. 'It's time for your blood draws.' 

'I've already had them today.' Estelle replies. 'Jo did them this morning.'

'They were contaminated.' Lukas informs her. 'Dr Hesley asked me to re-do them. There's a clinical room free down the hall. Let's go.' Estelle doesn't move. Lukas sighs and crouches down to her level. 'Come on now, Essie, you don't want to make a fuss. You know what will happen if you do.' Estelle closes her notebook. 'So what it's going to be?' Lukas asks as he stands back up. Estelle sighs.

'Let's go do those bloods so I can get back to my school work.' She puts on a fake smile. She stands up and follows Lukas to the clinical room. When she walks in, she hears the door close and the lock turning. A few seconds later, Lukas stands behind Estelle, puts his hands on her hips and kisses her neck. 

'You smell so good.' He whispers.  He turns her around and forces a kiss on her lips. She knows better than to fight him off. If she fights, he tries harder and harder and harder. He pushes her onto the bed and climbs on top of her.

After 20 minutes, Lukas climbs off Estelle, pulls his trousers up and walks out of the room. A couple of minutes later, Estelle gets off the bed, puts her jeans back on and also walks out of the room. She returns to the day room, gathers up the work she was doing and returns to the room she shares with another young girl. She places her work on one of the desks in the room before walking over to the closet. She gets out a fresh set of clothes and quickly changes into them. She stuffs in clothes she was wearing in a bag at the bottom of the closet. Once she's changed, she walks back to the dayroom where everyone is gathered around the TV. 

'What's going on?' Estelle asks Brian, one of the other people at the Rehab Center. 

'Tsunami at the pier.' Brian replies.

'I need to get down there.' Estelle says. 

'Good luck getting them to spring you.' Brian laughs. 

'My dad's friend took my brother down there this morning.' Estelle tells him. 'So I really need to get down there.' 

'How are you planning on getting out of here?' Brian queries. Estelle looks around the room, sees Lukas and sighs. 

'I have a way.' Estelle says before walking to Lukas. 

'Essie.' Lukas smiles once Estelle has reached him. 

'You need to get me out of here.' Estelle tells him. 'I need to get down to the pier.'

'You know I can't do that.' Lukas shakes his head. 'Besides, it's not safe for you there.' 

'Let's put it this way - if you don't get me out of here, I will go to Hensley and tell him everything.' Estelle says quietly.

'Fine.' Lukas glares at her. 'I'll set the fire alarm off and pretend it's a drill. You can try and sneak away then. I'll keep Hensley distracted. Go back over to the TV. I'll pull the alarm in a couple of minutes.' Estelle nods and walks back over to Brian.

'What was that about?' Brian questions. 

'He's my ticket out of here.' Estelle says. A couple of minutes later, the fire alarm rings and there's mass panic. 

'Get out of here.' Brian whispers to Estelle. 'I'll cover for you.'

'Thank you.' Estelle nods gratefully. Amidst all the chaos, Estelle slips out one of the fire escape and makes her way to the pier. 

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