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Half an hour has passed. Bobby appears in the doorway. Both Eddie and Essie look at him and he shakes his head. Essie breaks down crying. Eddie moves in closer to her, wraps his arm around her and brings her for a hug.

'It's okay.' He whispers. 'It's going to be okay.'


It has been a couple of weeks. Essie can finally leave the rehab centre. She's packed her bag and is waiting in Mason's office for Eddie to pick her up. 

'You've done really well, Essie.' Mason tells her. 

'I'm not so sure.' Essie sighs. 'I feel like I'm just going to go out partying again. The rehab hasn't really addressed the reason behind why I started going out drinking and doing drugs in the first place.'

'That's why I've referred you to psychotherapy.' Mason states. 'One of the nurses mentioned that they noticed scars on your wrists. Does your dad know?' 

'I haven't told him,' Essie shakes her head, 'but he's my dad so chances are he knows. He hasn't asked me about it so I guess he's waiting for me to tell him in my own time.' 

'Parents have a way of knowing everything.' Mason chuckles. 'I have children of my own, actually. Twins. Two girls. They're the same age as you. I know pretty much everything about them even if they think I don't know.' There's a knock on the door and one of the receptionists walks in.

'Dr Hensley, Mr Diaz is here.' The receptionist informs him.

'Thank you, we'll be out in a couple of minutes.' Mason nods. The receptionist walks away. 'I know this has been hard for you so try not to start going out partying again.' 

'I'll try.' Essie nods. 

'Let's take you out to your dad.' Mason says. They both stand up and walk out to the reception area. As soon as Essie sees her dad, she quickly walks up to him and hugs him tightly. 

'Woah.' Eddie laughs, wrapping his arms around her. 'Everything okay?'

'Yeah.' Essie nods. 'I'm sorry, dad.' 

'It's okay.' Eddie whispers. They part and he takes her bag. He looks at Mason. 'Thank you.'

'No problem.' Mason also nods. 'I've referred Essie to some psychotherapy. It will be paid for by the centre.' 

'I appreciate it.' Eddie replies. 

'Take care, Essie.' Mason smiles. 

'Thank you.' Essie smiles back. Eddie and Essie then leave and walk out to the car. They get in and put their seatbelts on. 

'We're going to go and pick Christopher up from Buck's and then I need to head to the Station to fill out some paperwork for personal leave.' Eddie tells her.

'Personal leave?' Essie asks confused.

'Just for a few shifts. I just want to keep an eye on you whilst you settle back in at home.' Eddie responds. 

'Dad, I'll be fine.' Essie says. 'All I've had for the past month is people checking on me every hour.' 

'I'm your dad, it's my job to check on you all the time.' Eddie states. 'It will only be three shifts, after that, you'll go to your grandmother's until I can get you re-integrated into school. Okay?' 

'Fine.' Essie sighs.


Half an hour later, Eddie is pulling up in front of Buck's place. Essie turns to Eddie.

'Did you tell Christopher that I was coming home today?' She asks him. 

'No.' Eddie shakes his head. 'I thought we could surprise him.' He adds with a smile. 'Let's go.' They both get out of the car and walk up to the front door. Eddie knocks and a few seconds later, Buck answers.

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